Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Ships a-Neumann

           When i finished emptying Buddy Cold to make him MORE Empty, i settled into Chairy-Chair and began to finish Erich Neumann's  (pronounced NOY menn az in aHOY) Essays on Feminine Psychology.  I had to put it down after,,  in mid-Analysis uv Mozart's  The Magic Flute ,, i had lost touch with the Whole of it.  Now, it wuz EZ to finish it and to start & finnish "Meaning Of The Earth Mother Archetype".  

          Just so you know ===  Neumann iz a BIIIG SUPERBRAIN.  He Authored The Origin and History of Consciousness and the [Galaxy Shattering] The Great Mother .

           Neumann `works` you over...   and over.......  and Over.  

          He a Student of Dr. C.G. Jung so his Lucidity iz Dependent upon YOUR knowledge of the Great Doctor's WORKS.  I devoted at LEAST 10 Years to Jung---I have read and OWN (what i want to be) his Entire Shelf.  Thing iz where the Good Doctor utilized his Studys of Alchemy to advance his Teaching,, Neumann utilizes MYTH .   You can See WHY i Gravitate toward his    `Apprehension`.   If i cood, i would use his Writing Style . 

          The Conclusions at the close of ....Earth Mother ... left me in a diatomeceous flush.  I wuz ECSTATIC to read that HIS Understanding uv Sensory Bombardment Resulting in Paralyzing COGNITIVE BlindNess wuz SIMILAR to my own.  I even tagged the Margin, "i wuz RYTE".  Heartening, like,, for sure,,, INSPIRATIONAL ,,, like   definitely .  

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