Monday, January 3, 2022

Hart to Heart Sole to Soul

           Here now the Question of Universal Exigency ---->  "Whadiya gonna BEEE when you grow up ?"  surfaces with Nuclear Attack Urgency.   Here it iz where "How the fuck should I know ?"  iz EQUAL to, "I wanna be a Fire-Wielding Quantum Mechanic".   Here now must be 'held' the Location of `REALM` as Commonality . Here it is where Specificity must NOT be Cherished as {SOUL} Arbiter of Guarantee, but Rather as POSSIBILITY .  

          What iz Vital to [Existential] Condition is One's Presence in this Realm since this Presence iz Manifested in the Real World az  `Being`.   Now    there can be no Loss of Dignity simply because "Don't Know" iz Registered az "I" Dentity.   Both Master Fortin's Kwan Un Do Kwang and my Kwantum Sword advantages the Teaching of Zen Master Seung Sahn because IT iz the Foundation of Cozmic Orientation and Master Fortin would argue that "Don't Know" OPERATES in the Realm of the Unknown az Tether To Reality, or so I would have him proffer.    

          It is One's Conduct {Behavior} that Teaches Others of the True Nature of One's Own Self, thereby establishing Earthly Connectivity to Others THROUGH the Current of One's Energies. 

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