Thursday, January 27, 2022

Let there be Fright

          Know that 'father' is SYMBOL for "World View", meaning, that BEFORE we 'arrive at' OUR World View, the WV of our parents MUST 'come under' the most INTENSE Scrutiny where Scrutiny is 'code' for Challenge & Investigation .  The moronic imbecility of "Father Knows Best" is to be supplanted by one's own Discrimination, a Discrimination based upon one's INNER Experience, the Experience of Internal Questioning, Introspection.  Once Discrimination supplies View, Mind Sword is needed to Sever the Bonds that bind us to our Parents' World View.  "Why not simply 'choose' or 'decide' ?"  Here, Emotion makes Commitment either weak or ineffective, or both.  Mind Sword Severs and Severs Completely leaving NO Chance of Further Influence .  The same is NOT 'True' of Choices or Decisions where Conditional Subjectivity allows for CONTINUED access to an Emotion-ality that suspends Truth at the Expense of Rational Exigencies .  

          Wielding Sword is Wielding Truth .  Sword IS Truth .   Believe It.

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