Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Earth M{OTHER}


          I must Save Neumann's Results for a more Pristine Tyme.  I've used my allotment of Fuel, my flanks ache and i NEED to Return to Thought Wall Excruciation.  

           Know this however, Neumann deployed the `Abstract Concrete` of Separation of "Spirit" from Humankind in order to Explain the Contemporary DIS-EASE of  Mysogonistic Despotism.  His Exploration into the True Nature of Spirit iz-gonna require PATIENCE and SKILL.  It IZNT As If Mankind wuz VICTIM of EVIL Forces---according to Neumann, to advance the THINKING that a God is Responsible for ANY and ALL Mal-fortunes is to allow the Individual UTTER Disavowal of his or her `Creations` where Creations iz Code for  Engagements.  Here it iz where, "That's not MY Fault" and "That's not MYY Job" manifest Disavowal thereby generating a Guilt Free Reality .  Also, Neumann advances the Teaching that the Earth Mother IZ the Source of All Suffering az well az ALL JOY.  In order to find Harmony Modern Man haz CHOZEN to Free it's Self from the SPIRIT of Earth Mother `Centralization`.   Gone with the Earth Mother are Her Virtues of Compassion and Sanctity.

           "....and so it is they suffered, and they Suffered Greatly....."  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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