Saturday, January 8, 2022

"...and so shall the Dead, bury their own..."

           I may have-to assign myself Status as a member of the Vulgars, a non-existent Tribe of Intellectual Barbarians and Sword Wielding Wisdom Worshipers who antagonized the Roman Status Quo with LETHAL Ferocity.  

          If you take the v-u-l out of vulgar and place it before the v-a in vulva you you get a drench of Victorian Moralic Indecency.  The Sacred becomes the Profane.  It's Perversional at BEST, at Worst demonstrably Ludicrous.  Some Scholars would Argue, I am among them, that The Sanctity of Women RESIDES in Their Glorious Physicality AND Their Generative Creativity.   There iz a Cozmic Absolute =  Women ARE 'The Future'.  The Stubborn-Ness of MALE Ego-ridden Arrogance which claims Authority OVER the Divine Feminine  MUST-BE Viewed as nothing short of  "Dead Reckoning".   


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