Saturday, January 1, 2022

Miss Lead

           So now when Uze Gyze look into the Mirror make CERTAIN You 'Tell' Your SELF,  "This is the Face of GOD".    Don't shudder and DO NOT Complain.  Jesus provoked, "The Spirit of God is WITHIN YOU' {within your SELF}.   

          Those of Us who Suffer as a Result of Parental Ignominy can now Find (and Justify) Self Worth as DIVINELY  Imbued.  No Longer must we flounder in the cesspools of Shame, Guilt and Less-Than in a Near Death-by-Drowning Cacophony.   Recall that {hole} "Majesty of Being" Crap I forced you to chew and SWALLOW ??  Well HERE IT IZ ---> Every Morning to {PEER}  Into Your Face AZ the Face of God AND to {PEER} as in to Understand the Infinite All-Mighy az EQUAL

          The Teaching of Zen Master Ludwig Feuerbach has "It" this way ----->

                                                             "God did NOT Create Man

                                                                 MAN Created God."

          Do NOT be misled.  All Master Feuerbach has Simple RETURNED God-Like {Universal} Power TO THE INDIVIDUAL thereby FORCING the Individual TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANY AND ALL TRANSACTIONS.   "Far out Man", doesn't even APPROACH the {X Clamation} Needed.

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