Monday, September 10, 2018

Bermudic Consequence-ory

The other day I was in Some-where and I saw an Old Dude wearing raggedy-ass Bermuda shorts held up by SUSPENDERS.  I freaked the fuck OUT.  I HAD-TO get me a pair of Bermudies---I already owned a pair of suspenders (actually I own TWO pairs) and I was gonna just DO IT.  THIS is the Fashion Paradigm of Addled Consequence-ory.  Us old guys are prone to Old Man Flat Ass, a geriatric INESCAPABLE Condition and I gotta tell ya, Suspenders AND THE BELT are Things-I-Swore-I'd-Never-Wear ! ! ! !  Oh how Times change.  Oh oh OHHHH ! ! !

It's like when I was a kid and I heard Old Guys badmouth EVERYTHING and excuse themselves with, "Hey, I'm an old man !!!"  That's what I wanted as well = = = AN EXCUSE FOR EVERYTHING.   Fuck all that Adult Responsibility and excruciating maelstrom of Beatitude Glorification.  Who DOESN'T want to use gutter dialect and street vernacular to disparage Purity and the obscenely grotesque of Civilized Social Intercourse ???? 

Pervertitude.   I may coin that for the Realm of Old Guy Senility.

Pervertitude the Home of Acerbic, Cantankerous and Irascible, the BIG Three,
The Pillars of Pervertitude. 

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