Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Bucolic Plague

According to "facebook",  I am reported to being a "3.6" on the Shitca Scale where "1" is abysmally NEGATIVE and "5" is bucolically POSITIVE.  I gotta-tell-ya  I was a wee bit taken aback by such a designation.  I am supremely POSITIVE about being Negative -- THAT should count for SOMETHING.  [I ain't never been infected by the Bucolic Plague although I use-ta LIVE there.]  Apparently I am IMMUNE to Bucoli-cism, that's just the What of "what I was born with".  Happiness, Joy, and all that other happy horse shit makes me serenely UN-comfortable. 

Buddha's Frist Noble Truth (that) "All Existence Entails Suffering" is NOT a statement to which the Many agree.  Fanatics flaunt, "Life is GOOD", much to MY consternation and dismay--- their "That" ISN'T my "Reality".  Zen Buddhists of my sort try to stay afloat in the Ocean of Suffering that, for us, DOES, comprise the Universe of All Existences.  Life in this Realm of Constant Threat of Death is characterized by Unremitting Horror, that, should one tire of UNCEASING Effort, one will drown in the Murk and Richness of Sadness and Her sister Sorrow, both of whom dwell in the Ocean of Suffering as Goddesses of Life Giving Dismality. 

It's excruciating that Sadness and Her Sister Sorrow are Bodhisattvas of Hope.

Guys like me sing of their Blues, as tales of Lament and Woe.

I lament, how can this be ?????

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