Monday, September 10, 2018

True Frit

I'm out of gas.  It always happens. 

I'm gonna prepare a bowl of rice and a side of kim-chee.  I still gotta peel and dice a daikon to add to my kim-chee to boost its nutrition and flavor.   I MAY work-out even though my bod is a mess or rips and tears :   I pain, therefore I am. 

I'm just like you Kidz = If Some One Else prepares my way for Sword Club, my Subbing and writing Kiddie Lit then I am GOOD TO GO.  I'm GREAT at "Work" if all I have to do is "show up". 

I had the Zen Sword Club at U.Conn., I've been at Sub many times before in many several Towns, AND I've composed a ton of poems.  The only thing I'm missing is, you guessed it---True Grit.

Rock steady.  Rock steady, Baby.  What it is what it is.

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