Monday, September 10, 2018 pick or snooze, THAT'S the question...

Part of me wants to command you Kidz to begin your Diary or Journal.  Meditation without visual affirmation does NOT "work for me" and I MUST be honest since my Life IZ my writing to some Greater or Lesser Extent, and I want the Same for you.  The expression of feelings, sensations and emotion has a purgative, if not curative, exasperation.  When you SEE your thoughts, they become as concrete---oddly, your thoughts become "Written In Stone" even thought it's Ink On Paper.  Your thoughts ARE your Mind, when you put your thoughts onto paper with pen, you are then able to literally, "read your own mind".  I hold there is no greater value to Introspection than this GIANT "THIS".  Reading what you have written is like looking at your reflection in a COSMIC Mirror, thoughts as facets of your Diamond Mind.

Alas, writing is NOT for everyone, I wish it was.

So it must be that I IMPLORE you Guys to read all you can about stuff you LOVE.  Become an Expert in your Chosen Discipline or Trade Exaction.  Be able to speak truthfully and RITGHTEOUSLY of and about your Passion. 

Sounds EZ rite ?   We all know, it AIN'T.

THAT'S where I struggle---to offer my Mind or offer my Body- - - Teaching, Training, or Writing. 

PLEASE don't ask, "Why can't you do all Three ?"

I'm LA-Z that's why, plus, there's so much good shit on TV.

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