Monday, September 10, 2018

The State of Meant

You see those Old Guys t the Donut Shops, sittin' around in Old Folk postures, I wonder what they do all day.  I've spoken to a few of these Ancients, most of the are Trump-ists---they commend Trump for "All He's Done".  I shake my head in Ocean-Desert Political Sorrow.  Many of these old guys are MY "Old Guys", they are farmers, and industrial shop-ists, meaning, they know their way around most trades, the tools and the EFFORT required to hard-scrabble Life from meager if not flat-out Desolation.  These are "Nose-to-the-Grindstone",  "Work-your-fingers-to-the-bone" types who built their Economic Afterlife from Virtuous Frugality, these types are Ben Franklin "A penny saved is a penny EARNED" Individuals, whose Lives could be numbered among Plutarch's Nobility.  I admire these Supreme Workers.  As closed as their mind's may be to Political Compassion, they remain aggressively heroic, in a "I survived Life's Tumult" Capacity.  These are TRUE Men of Ancient Times, contained, restricted and Proud, they should be despite their Confinement.

I stand beside them.....   It's strange to be their age and to be-----------------separated.

That what today is about.

"To be AND not to be" what a GREAT Statement.

The State of Meant.

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