You've gotta figure it's BAD if the Universe figures to TORTURE me with Brain Tearing Faculty---how is it that something SO GOOD, instantaneous Heat-ature, can be so fucking AWFUL, so much so that I must be on ever-present and persistent GUARD in order just to heat my plastic-fantastic mug-o-joe ? How can such raging CRUELTY be attached, nay INHERED, to Simple Morning Delight ?????
Why does the Universe FORCE me to endure the Beast with the Beauty ???
What is the True Nature of Universal Cruelty ?
Should Buddha's First Noble Truth be "The Universe is entailed by Cruelty" ?
Just on "appearance" that looks like it AIN'T enough.
The American Universe is FILLED with Human Atrocity both Political and Religious, both Public and Private, both Business and Charity - - - -
There can be only one Realization --- both Cosmic and Earthly --- Cruelty exists as part of the NATURAL Order of All Things and ALL Existences.
When we are born, the first "thing" we do is cry.
Hello Cruel World, why have You ripped me from my Womb of Absolute Utopia ?
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