Monday, September 10, 2018

Marginal Duplicity

Listen Kidz, I wouldn't even be here writing this crap had I not heard Obama on the Patriot Pulpit administering a "Religion of Duty" homily.  Speeches and Oratories DO reach stereotypical paradigmatic heights.  Obama was doing HIS version of Kennedy's
"Ask NOT what your Country can do for you"  ------  ask, "What can I do for my Country ?"   It all SOUNDS terrific, really terrific, really, Terrific, but what does that MEAN, especially if you DON'T want to enter the Mil  or become a volunteer of the Peace Corps ???? 

I find myself loathsomely PATHETIC because I wait until Cosmic Conditions align in just the "write" way before I even attempt "marginal duplicity", that's the one where I separate La-z Steve from Comment-er Steve.  BTW there's no such a thing as "marginal duplicity" I just made that up because the syllables harmonize my Intent.  I really CAN'T figure it out most of the time, I don't even try.  I've sais it before and I'll say it again = writing is my Jazz, my words are my Music.  I blame Hesse for that,
He wrote Steppenwolf  by using Mozart's "The Magic Flute" as structure and form.  Alas, I'm no Hermann Hesse, but the CONCEPT of making Words read and sound like Music is "far-fucking-OUT", to use 70's LSD phlegm. 

SHIT !   Where was I ??????

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