I wondered about how to iconographically depict Truth. Miss Liberty is a Broad, as is Miss Justice--- atop the Capitol Building is Miss Columbia, the so-called "Star Goddess"....should I not, then, depict Truth as a Female ?
Ya gotta-figure, Yup.
I must introduce you Kidz to the Tibetan "Dakini". Please read the definition supplied by the Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen.
..."Thus the [Dakini] is a female figure that moves on the highest level of reality; her nakedness symbolizes knowledge of truth unveiled." ...
She "sanctions" Inspiration. Technically, She inspires US to exist in HER Celestial Realm of [Absolute] Truth.
We are painfully aware of the phrase "Naked Truth" I will argue now that the Dakini as Naked Truth co-exist with Her Majesty, Blind Justice.
This is men and women dont get along men cant handle the truth! It is the thing they fear the most