Wednesday, September 26, 2018

...from the Song "On-accounta-Da-Vida"...

Yesterday, the U. N., trump got out in front of the World and told everyone that his Presidency and his administration was "The Greatest In All Of American History".  He was serious.  He believed his opinion.  He believed he was telling the Truth.  My mind ACHED.  Sure enough, the Audience, The WORLD, laughed at him, correctly perceiving his Truth to be regurgitation-al falsity.  Trump laughed it off, "Did NOT see that coming."  How could he ?  He was speaking his Truth.  THAT'S the Problem.
His Truth is vastly different than Ours.

You jus-GOTTA figure that Truth is fucking RELATIVE.  Man-o-man do I HATE that.  MY Truth should reign SUPREME just on-accounta I BELIEVE with ALL my Heart and Soul.  It ain't "True" of course.  Trump's Truth, and that of his Whacky Insane-O's, is CLEARLY the "Truth of the Land".  Wow !!  Holy fucking WOW !

The Myth of Truth of Corruption is being plied as National Security.

Look at it closely ------------ The Truth of Corruption.

If Truth is Virtuous --- so must be Corruption.

And Aye ---- Trump be a Virtuous Man.

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