Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Soc It to Me

I have argued elsewhere that Democracy perished when America atomized the Human Population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  THERE WAS NO DEMOCRACY PRESENT when the Commander-In-Chief executed the Order to ANNIHILATE Fellow Human Beings to the point of Molecularization.  NO-ONE in America would have sanctioned that kind of Scientific Heinous Atrocity.  We didn't do that shit Here, we had no knowledge of that kind of savagely barbaric INHUMAN Cruelty. 

This wasn't the First Extinction of Democracy.  As far as I tribute Athenian Democracy there was Socrates and HIS Annihilation, at the hands and minds of Status Quo Extremists = Democracy Fundamentalists, whose idea of a Free and Honest Democracy did NOT include nor sanction Freedom of Speech ESPECIALLY  the Speech of Socrates, who not only Questioned Authority but Questioned EVERYTHING. 

Socrates issued forth from the Womb of Democracy, and after only a few years,
he found that Democracy foretold of his Doom.  Death by Love of Principles.
He killed himself by Poison of Principles.

Jesus oh Jesus, Socrates be thy Name.

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