Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Maul of America

It is imperative for me to describe Truth not just as trump's Public Enemy # 1,  but Truth as trump's DEMON.  This depiction, that Truth assails trump at every Turn, at every Juncture and at every Intersection, is essential if we are to understand trump's savage paranoia.  I have made every Effort to essential-ize trump as Humpty Trumpty, but not only as a(n) One who sat ON the Wall, but as a(n) One whose back is AGAINST his Wall.  Trump "acts" like a trapped animal, desperate for freedom, rabid in caged fury, all because of Truth, which, like a Hunter, has hounded him to imminent Disaster. 

Trump feels as if, and I know this "This" because I AM trump, Truth denies trump's Existence as a Superior Human Being.  Ego generates delusion, and since trump's EGO subsumes the Universe, so too his Delusion.  Truth seeks to relegate trump's EGO to ego-ne  e-gone ---  to trump, the loss of EGO is as bad for him as the Admission that BOOZE KILLS for us Once-drunks.  There seemed to be NO LIFE without EGO, in the exact same way that, when I was drinking, there was NO LIFE without Booze.

Truth slays EGO  as well it should.

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