Now I SHOULD go back and tell you Kidz about the time I had to change-out a water pump in a front-engine-front wheel drive Buick. It took me almost a day. It took me TWO days to "get over" the imbecilic IDIOT-CY of that skank-ass "Engineer" who designed the cooling system in the First Place. I had to remove the radiator, the front grille, and the upper control arm and loosen the shock absorber just to get "at" the pump itself. If I'd a' seen THAT kid, I'd a' smash-mouthed HIM as well. Some Designers have NO "Street Cred", they DON'T work on the motors they create, so, as long as they get everything IN it doesn't matter that you gotta spend a morning getting everything OUT.
But I digress.......
So like, I waited for the BIGGEST DELUGE. I got down into the Tools' Room and there was a fucking RIVER coming from the bulkhead entry. I ran outside. The gutter drain I SHOULDA cleared was OBVIOUSLY blocked, I KNEW THAT, and the wind had carried the overflow onto the bulkhead where it drained down INTO the stairway. The bottom calking had failed due to FAILURE.
Nothing else to do but do it.
It was actually a goddamn RELIEF to work outside in a Biblical Tempest. I have issues, most of them quite remarkably severe.
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