I'm no Fan of Truth. I am, however, a Fan of The Interpretation of Truths, which, in a benign but dastardly fashion, always seems to get expressed as my Opinions. CLEARLY, Opinions are anything BUT "Truths" [by Definition] but when you check it out, it's Psychologically exhausting that my opinions are MY "Truths". What THAT does is fucking MANGLE "Truth". Truths become as individual snowflakes, unique in an Infinitude of Infinite Infinities. I can't get my head around it.
Numbers scare me. I've repeatedly profaned that one dog CANNOT "equal" one rat. It makes NO sense. Therefore, how can Truths be perceived as Arithmetically Significant ? How does MY Interpretation of Truth EQUAL donold trump's Truth ? How is it that we perceive the Abstract of Truth as Real and Viable as Utilitarian ?
Trump is using HIS "version" of Truth to build HIS version of a Credible Nationalistic Mythology, the one that "has" HIM as Savior. It pisses me off that MY OWN Opinion, that Truths and Falsehoods are the SAME, and that they co-exist as Equals AT THE SAME TIME. Trump IZ and IZ NOT the American Savior !
Truth is fucking with me.
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