Sunday, September 30, 2018


We've all seen those Old Guys that HAVE EVERYTHING and Everythings are In Their Place, snuggled with and by Intelligence, at the Kwik & Ready of neat, cleaned, and ordered and BLINDINGLY FUCKING OLD MAN STYLE.  Well, I'd "seen" those Dudes too.  It was Love Hate.  I LOVED that they had all the Tool's, HATED how they had them, all Operating Room surgical and stuff and junk.  When I was Younger I VOWED   NEVER   to be like ANY one of THEM.  So, like, NOW, I'm seeing the freaking WISDOM of Immediate and DIRECT Access No Hassel FREEDOM and I can't BEAR to utilize that kind of straight-forward availability and Ease.  Don't misunderstand.  My Tools' Room is "At-A-Glance" utilitarian.  BUT  most of the tools I have pegged are there AS VANITY FARE.  It ain't just a Tools ROOM, I haffta have it as Tools MUSEUM.  I have glandular tools egoism, G.T.E. ,  the one that PROMOTES O.M.S. Old Man Syndrome. 

I'm fucked five ways and SIDE ways to Sundays.

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