Sunday, September 30, 2018

...waiting for good roe...

I gotta confess Kiz ---  as I looked up and saw the hose and the hooks in a mangled-dangle and ostentatious display of WHAT-IN-GAWD'S-FUCKING-NAME-HAPPENED-HERE ???!!! it looked so freaking bizarre that it had its own Peculiar Beauty. 

Ladder  -  busted up downspout drain   ---  dangled-mangled Intelligence gone the way of Hammer-fisted FURY, shit, what's NOT to Love ??????

It was impressive. 

I wondered what would happen to the guy who'd done that .

What would become of the Mangled-Dangle Downspout Drain ?

Would the hose stay in place all Winter ??

Would the Ladder be moved to Jacob's Reverie ???

I was inspired by AWE-FULL.

And so I just stood there ---------  waiting ------------ waiting------------waiting.

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