Monday, September 10, 2018

Shit Grit

The other reason why I am here today is because of a guest on Fareed Zacharia's "GPS" program.  His name was Some Guy and he'd just written a book to advertise the Catastrophic increase of Teen-Ager Suicides.  According to his research, the present day parental attitude and/or mentality of the Status Quo is the Cause of this Phenomena of Horror. 

Apparently the Parents' efforts to shield, coddle and fawn over their Kids, the effort to incessantly PROTECT them from the Real World, has caused within their own, an INABILITY to manufacture Grit, the Grit of EVERY-DAY "This is what Life is all about".  These Kidz, when confronted with Life's cruel Normal-ities, become DEPRESSED when Life hands them their share of Emotional Taxes, Taxes that MUST be paid if they are to Exist in this, our World. 

Rather than pay these Taxes, these Grit Mis-Fits surrender to a "I'll kill myself" sanction, only on-accounta they AREN'T given "Fame and Fortune" just because they are who they are.  Parents have been known to flourish, "You're GREAT just the way you are." 

I've been readily exposed to this "Greatness" as a Swim Coach, Substitute Teacher Umpire and Zen Sword Instructor.   This "greatness" is institutionally manufactured goat shit, and not the "good kind" neither.  Shit Grit comes to mind ------ .

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