Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Story Fellah

I had every good intention to attempt effort at SCHOLARLY resignation.  I had in mind to expel Childhood KARMA as conclusionary attribute of Adult Dysfunction, where "attribute" means "to attribute TO".  I wanted to review Judge Kavanaugh's Drinking Hedonism as a RESULT of Childhood De-Formation.  I "wanted to'" describe the use of Pre-Adult Years as Karma because there is, presently, a Judgment of the Judge, a Sundae on a Sunday, that precludes intellectual animosity. 

I am loathe to find myself as Story Teller. 

The Story of the Downspout Clog Slog  is who I am, for Better and for Worse, through Sickness and in Health, until Death does me part.

Did NOT see that coming.

Rock steady........steady as He goes....

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