Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Patrio-cratic Hedonism

Zakaria and Others have made note to specific (from the transitive verb "to specific", much different than "to specify") that the Right Wing of the American Bold Eagle has declared War on The Bold Eagle's Left Wing, that of Egalitarian Education.  War propaganda diffuses a Right Wing Patrio-cratic Hedonism that actually decries the Form and Substance of the First Amendment, that of Free Speech and the
Constitutional GUARANTEE of The Right to Non-Violent Assembly.  Castigation-al BLAME has been cast upon the American Academic Realm of tertiary Scholasticism, that of Colleges, and Universities, those Very Same where Right Wing Conservatives have received the Elements, Rudiments and Fundamentals of THEIR OWN Political Ideology as delivered by and from the "Divine" of Academic NEUTRALITY.  Their fog-horn bellow of,  "THE LEFT IS FRAUGHT WITH VIOLENT LIBERALISM" has made it to the ears of Those Who Abhor Education.  These minds are the minds of
FERAL Anti-Humanists, who have NO NEED of the Written Word, whose manufacture of Education relies upon "Show and Tell", the Oral Tradition of the Ancients, whose Sustenance relies upon ACTION not THOUGHT, on INSTINCT not
Rationality.  Here it is where EMOTION is the preference, where Science is MAGIC, where tom-foolery and charlatan-ry rules as PASSION. 

If only it were "Just that"......

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