Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bern Baby, Bern

The other day (or it coulda-been two years ago) I was watching the Morning News and Carl Bernstein was asked for his opinion.  He spat, "This isn't any 'Crisis of Constitution' --- this is a CRISIS of TRUTH ! "  He looked pissed.  He looked Every Bit of his 74 years but he sounded like the proverbial "Angry White Boy", a depiction vastly suitable for him and "guys like me".  Bernstein was ravaged to exasperation --- how could these nit wits MISS the fucking OBVIOUS ????    I don't know, - - - guys like me, that have a barely modest IQ, arrive at less-than-startling conclusions derived from SIMPLE "Conditions" yet here we sit in contempt of Highly Paid Others who revel at Superficiality as if IT is the Ultimate and Supreme of Journalistic Advisory.  Mere reporting does NOT assist our Comprehension of Cosmic-alities.  We can see for ourselves, what we want is Explanations that put our minds to Rest.  It's the whole Order out of Chaos exactitude that excites me to paralytic Bliss, the one where Understanding breeds ACTION --- the one where Knowledge breeds POWER --- that's what I want.'s what I hold AGAINST Woodward.  He lays out the Dots and Connects them, but when it comes time to ease us into Full Comprehension, the one that REVEALS the Secrets, Woodward falters.  His desire to remain at Journalistic Objectivity belies his desire to Influence with his own Opinion.  It's secretive bullshit that annoys me to Fuckdom.  I write just like Woodward - -  I hate myself for that.

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