Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Evo-Lution verses Convo-Lution

Now what I "want" is for my Readers to grasp MY "essential", at least one of my "Essentials", that Human Nature is subject to the Laws of Evolution, meaning, Human Nature is on a trajectory toward Utopian Compassion, the one of a POLITICAL Utopia, the Utopia of "Cradle to Grave" Functionality ----  Government as Will of the People, where that "Will" is Directed Compassion, a Directed Compassion that views ALL Life as Sacred. 

Evolution as FORWARD "Thinking", not exactly FUTURISTIC, but rather a Thinking that understands the fecund facility of "Just Now", alongside the Rationality of "Plan (for) Ahead". 

What I DON'T "want" is the Trumpian Persuasion of DE-Evolution, that One of BACKWARD "Thinking", the Thinking that the PAST is the Future, the one that DENIES the Future as Future. 

It is here, at this Cosmic Intersection, where Human Nature either answers the Call of Natural Evolution, that ADVANCEMENT of Logical Reconciliations, or it IGNORES the Call, to instead advance the DE-valuation of Human Nature, the one that opportunes the denigration of Virtue. 

I want the Path to Perfection, NOT the Path to Degeneration.

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