Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The American B-Old Eagle

The Left Wing of the American Bold Eagle is just as GUILTY as the Right for inflicting Lefteous Idolatry upon the Right by REFUSING to hear their words of Calumny and Usurpation of Democratic Ideals.  I find it CATASTOPHICALLY Abysmal that us Lefties and Utopianists should accede to an Agreement whereby the Horrid of Ancient Backwater is used as Ambrosia of Life by Right Wing Fanatics, Conservatives and their Lunatic Feathers to be administered as "Truth, Justice and the American Way". 

Fareed Zakaria, Warrior that he is, made a re-calibration of AMERICAN IDEALS by reminding us of Yale University's Attention, that ACADEMIA is responsible for the Transmission of ALL "Truths" REGARDLESS of their (suspect) Origins. 

We, as in Us, SHOULD NOT deny the Right's GUARANTEE of Freedom of Speech REGARDLESS of its Potential for CATACLYSMAL Results.

How much does THAT suck ??? !!!!!!!!

That "IT" goes against my Inmost Core, which BELIEVES that "Silence is Gold".

Never believe, as far as I am concerned that Words are NOT "sticks and stones".  Words can act like a baseball BAT.  Words HURT, Words Injure, Words Wound.

It gets worse-------

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