Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Magic of Tragic

I have argued elsewhere that we DON'T need Truth.  Humankind existed for EONS without Truth.  There was no REAL "need" for Truth since Prevailing Mythologies provided Reality with the Magic of Tragic.  The Prehistory of Science is enmeshed in the Sur-Real of Spirit.  Humankind did very well it this Realm of Invisible Forces Unknowable to Man. 

But then "Something" "happened".

Science became "Con-Science" = Conscience and a whole new level of Awareness was precipitated.  Man had a "Conscience.

Truth somehow became the Awareness of Good and Evil --- of Right and Wrong.  We complicated, "Honesty is the BEST Policy".  You gotta wonder - Where the fuck THAT went ---  where did it go ?  HOW did it go ?  We know the "Why", cheating and lie-ing is just SO MUCH EASIER, then telling and living the Truth.  Truth is some heavy, HEAVY shit. 

Still, Civilization was built upon the Concept of Truth.  And here it is that Honesty is a manifestation of this Civilization-al Truth. 

Now let's use Bernstein eyes to examine trump --- here it is where
Honesty is the WORST Policy. 

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