I awoke from a dream in which I had begun Study at a new University. I had laid out my courses and schedules on, not 1, but TWO, cafeteria tables and I had set myself to consolidate times and locations on a single sheet of paper. I was in a huge space, almost cafeteria-like but more of an Assembly Hall. I had the sensation that I HADN'T reconnoitered the classroom locations---it was causing anxiety.
I've dreamed this dream, and others similar, every year since I graduated. I confess to a longing "deep within" to return to Those Times of monstrous Potential, if for nothing more than the sheer BEAUTY of Academia, with all its Scholastic Demands and Social Contrivances---to be among one's peers with the Identical Goal of Intellectual Attainment. Here, we resided in Unified Whole, a "Something" that, once removed from Campus, is as foreign as Ancient Peruvian Art. We had one Goal, to get Degree-ed.
Now you'd think that after (what's the remainder of 1970 subtracted from 2018 ? Hold on let me get a pencil and paper) all those and all these years I'd-a grown out of these-----------concerns. I'm writing to you Kids this day to say it ain't so.
I'm 66 wondering what the fuck I'm gonna do with the rest of my life IFF "I live that long".
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