Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Problematical Indecency


                    I'm going to leave this morning's Consideration here .   Keep in your Mind the FACT that the UnConscious 'speaks' ONLY in terms of Images and SILENT {but PHYSICAL} Promptings .   When I TELL you "I want Justice" what I REALLY 'want' is to see the Perpetrator {Perp-a-TRAITOR} fuking TORTURED until I 'achieve' Satisfaction .  Here it is where Hammurabi's "An eye for an eye" is Heartfelt Presence of PRIMITIVE Equality--- "You gouged out my eye, I will gouge out YOURS" .  Here it is where Equality in its PUREST Form is a Stubborn INSISTENCE of Mother Nature and Mother Earth .  Supposedly it is Justice that restores Balance where Balance is noneother* than Equality .   Now WHY the Universe is DEPENDENT upon Equality can be viewed as Einsteinian in Nature, as we can see in "E = MC squared".   I don't like "IT" one bit but thus far Civilization is CONTENT with problematical Indecency.

          Gotta go .

Rock steady........Steady az She goze... .

Corpor-ity [Core-Poor Reality]

                     We KNOW that there is no "Miss Justice"--there is ONLY a Statue that REPRESENTS a Mental {Theoretical} Construct .   When we say, "There is no Miss Justice" our UnConscious HEARS, "There is no Justice", since Justice is UNREAL in the Physical Sense .  Here it is where Intellect DEMANDS Corporeality {Corpor-Reality} hence the Statue .   2 words =  This Corporeality is EMPTY at its BEST   >>>  at its Worst Cruelly Trouble-full*.

          We must not apply 'over-valued Expectation' with regard to our excess of Provincial Jurisprudence i.e.,  the singular anticipation of SATISFACTION-- the result of punitive Jury not just riotous concourse.  We hear, "We DEMAND Satisfaction", where Satisfaction is found in the Witnessing of Hanging or the Witnessing of Penitentiary Confinement .    

          Somehow, Justice {Em-Bodies} 'a Return to Normalcy' .  Violence is thwarted, [contained and/or managed] and the Perpetrator REMOVED from his or her Position of Horror-ific* Ascendancy .  ORDER {Balance} is RE-IN-STATED and the Status Quo Continuum RE-Stored .

          All is well in Hell .................................................................... .

Miss Justice

                           Miss Justice is iconographically depicted wearing Greek robes and brandishing European Excalibur ---- and  blind  folded  to  portray   Fairity*  {Fair Ness}  making Her a Fair-y Goddess/Mother {of sorts} .      She is SUPPOSE to wield Her Sword to execute Justice DELIVERY .   We ASSUME that She has blindfolded Herself ~~ an Individual `proclamation` that She is "Tried + True" .   We have yet to see Her wield Sword .  It is as if she is Right Arm {Righteous Arm [of the Law]} paralyzed .    Indeed,, amidst American Folk-Lore {Folk LAW} there is nothing to be found concerning her Training in Judgery*  {The Political Science of  Judge-ing} nor  have we read anything concerning her Sword Mastery .       Where  was she Schooled ?  Who Taught Her Sword ?     WTF is the Name of Her Sword ??

          Image NOT Substance benchmarks [pock-marks] Miss Justice .  Mythologically* we WANT Her to Symbolize TRUTH, wherein and whereby Her Sword is a WEAPON wielded to DEFEND Truth .  We  WANT  Her  to  have  the  POWER  to  Defend  th e INNOCENT  and  to  PUNISH  the Guilty .   "SuperMan" Comics 'speak of "Truth, Justice and the American Way"  ---yet She is from Ancient Greece, and Her Sword is probably from the "Court of King Arthur".  

        Hello Bent ( meet Twisted  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .






                    I awoke to 'solve-ation'.  I checked the clock >>>  1:10 .  Holy Phuq .  I went downstairs to the Music, Poetry,, + Swords' 'War Room' to see if I cood grab some more sleep --------------------- Nope .

          I went to my Twitter Account to 'account' for a lapse in yesterday's column.  I did some rectification that, sure as shyte*,, looked like "tying up loose ends".   

          I'm figuring the Nation >>OUR<< Nation must find Salvation in our own Solve-ation, meaning, the MASSIVE  Extent of PARALYSIS Producing Problems can-Not and should-NOT be from External {SuperNatural} Offsites* but from OUR-OWN Rationalizing Temperance .   

          "Hope" {aint-gonna-do} a Gaud-damn fuking thing ,,, nor is "Wish-Full Thinking".   Prayer DOES have SIGNIFICANT Use-Full-Ness* in that its -----------`engagement` `recommends` {Re Commends} a Mindset of Reality AwareNess that 'comports' Compassionate Aggression .

          .......... and then there's prey-er = preyer..........


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Miss Auree


                   "I could never be a doctor because I don't have any patients."

          I'm headed outdoors to begin wurk* on the last pallet .   I NEED Time to orient myself within the Socio-Philosophical clusterfuck that IS American Collective Conscious.   The concomitant REJECTION of Patience as Virtue MUST-BE identified an INTEGRAL FACTOR of  Modern Day ConsciousNess DESPITE its Naturality* as Scope and Measure of Individual AwareNess .   Indeed, we "measure" others and use Patience to [help] correctly identify Jurisprudal* Resonance .   Here it is where the Application of Patience SIGNIFICANTLY diminishes the Grind and AGGRAVATION of dysutilitarian* Malfeasance .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

Miss Lead

                     Don't forget-- Patience is an INSTINCT without which Man as ANIMAL could not survive .  Patience was VITAL for hunting---ESSENTIAL as it were .    "LAYING IN WAIT" was NECESSARY if Prey was to be "Acquired".   Here, Patience was "Hard-Wired" into the Mind AND BODY of Human Kind.   So now, you gotta-wonder* both HOW and WHY, Modern Day ConsciousNess can [itself] Survive WITHOUT the PRIMAL INSTINCT of Patience, since  ConsciousNess  is SUPPOSED-TO-BE intimately Dependent upon our Instinctual Activity.   NOT "Having" Patience is UN-Natural .  

           Has    Civilization   excised this "Most Precious" ??  

           Has     Evolution   somehow chosen to rid us from "WAITING" ?????

Miss Appropriate

                    There is no "GOOD" antonym for 'Patient' [Patience].   One of my seldom used Resources is Random House's COLLEGE THESAURUS .  As far as it 'gets' it's respectfully 'adequate'.   However, today is one of THOSE days where its 'help' is brandishingly* corrupt---as if "they" weren't trying, rather, not trying HARD ENOUGH.   There is an 'aspect' of 'contentment' in Patience--- one may "rest assured" of the outcome or delivery of some-thing 'wanted' --- a GUARANTEE, as it were .   "IMPATIENCE" is NOT acceptable due to its "IM" a simple Negation of Patience ----  I aint* [phuqing*] "buyin' " it, not for a nickle and DEFINITELY not for a dime .   

          We can microscope Consumerism to detect NON-Existence of Patience --- but does THAT signify a Change in ConsciousNess* ?   You gotta* figure that ConsciousNess DID Change, that there was a CATACLYSMAL "Whip-Lash" from the ConsciousNess of The Great Depression to the NOW of {MUST HAVE } Acquisition and its Socio-Political Ramifications [Ideology].   Shyte*,,,  did Human NATURE Change ?   Did it phuqing MUTATE ???    When Truth  >evaporated<  did it take with It Patience ?   How the PHUQ did THAT happen ??? !!!

Miss Behavior

                     The Famous  Joe Walsh   [James Gang] swoons, 

                                       "Every body's so different ---I haven't changed".   

          Lou Holt indicates a Cataclysmal "Paradigm Shift" from Kenedy's "Ask Not what your Country can do for you..."  to an "End Player" Consumerist* who worships 'IMMEDIATE' [Self] Gratification and who LOATHES  "Delayed Gratification"  of ANY Kind or Sort .   In her THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM Zuboff locates, "I want what I want and,  I want it NOW ".    Dare we ask, "What the phuq happened to PATIENCE ?????   Indeed, Patience WAS a Virtue, a Cherished Virtue, that held EONIC* {Psycho-Philosophical} `Template`  from the Early Middle Ages onward.  Some of You may remember Piers The Ploughman and its "The Patient Conquer" which was Considered something of a Cosmic Absolute [at the Time].   10th Century Cleric, Richard Langland, got this one RHYTE* .  His Work has held True EONS until THIS "Day".   Here now, Capitalism and Consumerism has "Turned" Individuals to "End Game" --  "Bottom Line" --  Devour-ers, that is,   "Individuals" whose NEED for "materials"can be likened to STARVING Animals and their NEED for food .   

Lou Holt


                    I spent yesterday morning and some of the afternoon dismantling and sawing a couple of pallets for fire-wood.  I werqed* on the patio's concrete, in the Sun, at an old man tempo  the one of `work-pause` speciality* [spee she al ih tee].  I was bundled in a Work / Space Suit, my fav, and I had no need  for  thermals .   When  I  'paused'  I  sat  facing  the  Winter Sun, its Warmth actually stinging my face ~~~~~~~~~ .

          Along with what I was werqing on, I was also wurqing* on "The True Nature Of The Modern Day Individual".    Shoshana Zuboff  contends that the "Individual" is more recognized as "End Consumer"---Something of an "End" Result of [Modern Day] Capitalism's present "Influence".   

          Famous Football Coach  Lou Holt  was asked about the difference between Modern Day football players and those of bygone era's.  "Easy" he said, "Modern day guys speak of Rights and Privileges while those of yesteryear spoke of Duties and Obligations."  

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Code of the Best


                     If the "Code of the West" is, "Stick to your guns", what then,  should  be  the  `Code of the EAST ? `   I'm gonna* "Stick to" my Sword(s).   

          She's given me her e-mail address-- I THINK  -through this medium- I can assuage her Fear(s) and repair the Damage I unleashed .   

          2 words : :  I'm gonna Weaponize my Music.   Presently there are two Songs that can verify, substantiate and corroborate my Abstractural* Existence .  "The Power Of Love" and "You Got That Right"--the 1st by Hewy Lewis and The News, the 2nd, by Lynyrd Skynyrd .   The Power of Love is Self Evident but the one line in "You Got That Right" DEFINES me as I am RIGHT NOW ,, it is ,,, "When my time's up / I'll hold my own"  and  "When it comes to a fix / ain't afraid to FIGHT".

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .




"I'm GREAT, you're not -- PAY ME !!!"

                     You Gyze* know what this 'This' is "All About".  'It's' handing over your entire Lyphe* to a complete fuqing* STRANGER, a One who can "Yea" or "Nay" your  present Existence and ALL your Altruistic Intensifications* .     

          Eric Dickerson was undergoing 'Contract Negotiations'--fed up he strode into the Byg Head's Office, plopped down and coerced, "I'm GREAT you're not PAY ME !!!"

          That's what I wanted, IMMEDIATE and sustained AWE just at my Appearance---  you want Delusion ?  Hallucination ?   "No prob" .

          Bob Monroe was drunk at our FIRST House Meeting.  He blurbled*  "When it comes to women, I'm magic" to which Barry MacEwen scorched, "Why don't you fucking disappear?"

The so-called "Mars Hotel"

                     Although 15 or sixteen adversaries all armed with Swords would pose NO {Real} Threat -- here was this Director of Library Operations standing before me with the Weight, Density and MASS of an ANCIENT Academic Status Quo whose Gravity was that of a Black Hole ~~~ something of a "Mars Hotel" just shy of being the "Hotel California".  

          Within the Whirlwind of Dream Incomprehensibility was this Expression :  "We may need an Introduction -- a "one off" so folks can 'see' you ."   ....  so much for Documents and the Written Word .  THIS would be the "Real Deal"-- me standing with Sword delivering Dharma Dogma with the Weight , Density and MASS of THOUSANDS of Years .   

          2 words : Sword is SCARY .   I've done many "One Man Demos" to unprepared audiences and they have been CATACLYSMAL "flops".    Once their eyes 'gloss over' {glass over i.e., turn to glass} I revert to Expressions of Combat Lethality which is perceived as miracle delivering Qrazee .   Here it is where "Gut Cut" and "Skull Crack" are NOT received as Dance Joviality and Joyous "Jumanji".  Folks got FRIGHTENED .   1 word :  not good .

"Fan mail from some Flounder"

                     That Disaster wasn't the 'half of it' .   I returned home and plopped into Chairy-Chair's Luxury Lap .  What  the  FUCK  had  I  done ???   Had  I  REALLY  Promised  to  hand  over ALL  Bio-info INCLUDING the "Top Secret" shyte* ???   I shuddered .   

          (((Her height didn't matter--she was a whole head shorter than my whole head but `that` belied her STATURE---  surrounding her was HER Realm, the Realm of Books, the Realm of Community Function Room and the Financial Resources of   "The Town" .  She stood TALL --- !)))

          (((It was as if I was [were] in a Dream and not the GOOD kind either .)))

          Thyng*  iz*  I  have  all  that  shyte,  stored  and  stored  neatly,  with   IMMEDIATE ACCESS Avail-abilty* .   Technically all I had to do was don the "Say" Apparel and literally just "hand over" the Docs that register as my Lyfe .   2 words :  ridiculous .



" What is 'Hip' ? "

                     "It" was CERTAINLY not 'What I wanted' --- I KNOW better than to just 'show up' unarmed and woefully attired .   In my HEAD I KNEW I had to dress for the Occasion, that I may present myself as Zen Sword'sMan, and University Graduate ~~~ and that means Shirt, Tie and Sportcoat*--- the attire of 'Hip' Professors .   I mean, would you rather speak with Robert Redford or Humphrey Bogart ?   

          It felt as if the Universe had dragged be from the safety of the vehicle to the INSIDE --- and here the INSIDE is the Realm of Tengu Authority --- that of Tricq* and Qwiq-wit* .   She handed me her business card --- it remains in the car on the console ~~~~~~~~~ ................ .


I speak the Body Prime Eval*

                  "IT" was like that Movie ((featuring Michell Yuah of "Dragon / Tiger" Fame))  ---"Everything, Everywhere, All At Once" taking place in my head ~~ my entire Lyfe being condensed into a Primal Mote--and there >I< was trying to speak Intelligently of EON-IC* Devastation---the one that Transformed me from Street Fighter to Dharma Guardian ---  How was she gonna know -lyqe- ANYTHING ???  And isn't  THAT  the  Problem  ?    Dr. Campbell  refers  to  >It<  as  a   "Restricted  Consciousness"   unable  to      S-t--r---e----t-----c------h    so as to accommodate X-The Unknown with GENEROUS Receptivity.    I'm guessing all she 'saw' was an old man --- all she heard was some mumbull jungull of broken Korean Sanskrit gone the way of Ancient Babble-on Jiberish .    Pat Paulson with a Sword .......

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Thawed Th -- AWED

                     There's Musyq playing in the background  I never even try to do this, I'm no good at it but i sure do LYQE it .

          The Interview, I know --- ..............

         "Ya eva" need to have your entire LYFE LIFE LIE-F condensed into a mental glop* that can be spoken in no more that 2 paragraphs ??  I "ended-up" vomiting "I have a Savior Complex"--I shyte* you  not.   She didn't call the COPS----  THAT was a Relief  a [ re Life] .  I lived to vomit another day .

It's Secret is Recess

               The 'Deal' with all Training and [Meditation] is Simple and Straight Forward {"Only go Straight,, "Don't Know"}.   The Training 'gets' you to the TOTAL and COMPLETE "AwareNess of "Just Now" ".  When welders touch a metal piece with their Tig stick, the contact is of ARC and SPARK, plus, there's a POP-ing sound .  THAT'S  "Just Now"  and  its  (sometimes)  grotesque Intensity .   You WANNA 'Live' in "Just Now" ,   How often do we take "Recess" in Paradise ????  {{{phuq i do it all the time}}} .   Our Minds, check that, we ALLOW our Minds to Wander and Frolic in meadows of clover and grain we can FEEL Bliss---its Warmth ........   It's Truth and Falsity at the Same Time --- Real and UN-Real          John Cougar relates :     "It hurts so good"    ---- .  We kant live in Recess ~~~ that rite there MIGHT-BE an {Unintended} Kozmyq* >>Absolute<< .



"Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime"

                     I "HAVE"  Everythyng, indeed, I have MULTIPLE Everythyngs  !!!!  and the Physyqs* behind [and beneath] THAT would require a MONTH'S worth of blogs--- (((but as "background info" IS it worthwhile {Worth my While} ??? )))  

          I was forced to do a Job Interview yesterday .  Here's the phrase : "Impromptu Extemporaneous"---I was unarmed, with 2 days of beard,,,  the Universe can be UN-Merciful .  Here [at] Now my Tengu Masters Testing, Testing Teasting ... .

          "Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime" --- from the Film "Taxi Driver" --- delivered by the Film's Protagonist,   'played'  by  {The Emperor} Robert DeNero .    The  Words are an answer to a question, "Why all the Training ?"   I stole these Words and routinely delivered them to my Sword Students.  It sounded lyqe this :  `You gotta be able to FIGHT "Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime"`.  Such is ONE   of the 'True Natures' of both Sword and [the] Martial Arts in general .   >It<   is sometimes referred to as "Combat Ready" an old WW II depiction .  Modern times uses, "Situational Awareness".   Here it is where "The Threat of Attack" is perceived as REAL, so is it that the Sword'sMan and Warrior must be TUNED to the Infinite {of all Possibilites}.  

Dour Power


                     It aint often that I get 'frozen'.  Frozen means `I kant*` move`-- rather, I can move, I just kant `Moove*` .    Everythyng* has been reorganized, cleared, re-positioned and [as much as is possible] Simplified.  I can Declare [and Proclaim] "Spring is upon me".    And yet  I don't FEEL lyqe* "Springing Into Action".    BYYYG* BusyNess* is in (a)  NASA "Hold" .  The Ground and its Turf are as sponge .  I kant drag or fell until it is Frozen---thyng* is, I can Work all-ryte but the ground scaring, referred to in Landscapers' Language as "Mechanical Damage" , would be {is} prohibitive --- plus,  I don't want the property 'torn up' --- {ravaged} --- it would make for an Aesthetic of Depression NOT of Fruitful Productivity .  {No Fruit} {dour Industry}... .




Thursday, January 19, 2023

Me Anderings


                    "By Definition" Journaling does not avail itself to "Interpretation"--what you read is "what you get"~~~ every syllable a Truth, every word = the God Within .   Art is SOOOOO much Different. Symbolism and Truthism COLLIDE in a COLLIDE-i-Scopic Manner --- sometimes BLAZING with Flames of Sour and Most Bitter Intellect --- sometimes RIVER-ING* with [the] Flow and Silk of Emotional {Wanton} Transgressions--- sometimes just the mere Pond of Reflective Meanderings {Me Anderings} gone the way of Moonlit Romance and  Bloodlust Sensuality . 

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... . 

The Bare-ing See

                     Recall my `Bi-Polar Bear`--that `thyng*` is me "bare-ing" my Mind's Soul .   My Intent is to make a somethyng* ez-er* to 'take' ---- `it` somehow mutes Vicious Cruelty ::: it de-fangs the Rattler, de-claws the Tigress .   I mean it this way--the Serpent REMAINS Deadly, so to the Tigress, BUT the Lethality* is diminished SOMEWHAT by a studious 'playfulNess*' .   I confess, I DON'T KNOW if it is 'appropriate' or not--- I just know "it wurqs* for MEEE".

          Remember what We are 'Lookin' For'---it is "Peace Of Mind".   The Acts of Recreation is >in Psychological  FACT<   ----->  RE   CREATION.  Artistry  is noneother*  than  GOD-LYKE* {Act-tivity}...we "Act" lyke God .  Here now "Genesis" is Lyved* and RE Lyved .  The Creation of Names and Forms that Represent INNER Spiritual  Abstractions .

          2 words for "Peace of Mind" = =  Bliss .

Keystone Ops

                     We must 'overlook' [bypass] {ignore} the enmeshment of Death into Lyfe* depicted in the 'cover Art' of "Hejira" if we are to manage this [Inquiry] Investigation.  Instead, our Focus MUST-BE 'on' Joni's Music as [Engine] {Vehicle} of Revelatory Introspection made manifest in her Lyrics and Sounds.  This 'Same' is what Journaling* concerts*---the Exploration of Ego + Self  made manifest [in] [by] letters, words and sentences --- the concretization* {to make as CONCRETE} of Thoughts, Emotions, Feelings and Abstractions {which we Hear in Joni's lyrics}.   Ben aint no Writer, you can hear discomfort in his voice as he tries to explain the "WHY" of Journaling---at first he has NO Answer ---he stumbles and mumbles, piddles and diddles,, hems and haws,,, until he just 'gives up'.  

          Make note that Joni's Intention is for PUBLIC Discovery---something NOT "True" in the wurq* of Journaling.  "Singer / Songwriter" is parallel to "Poet / Author" .  To be a Diarist / Journalist is something of a Secretive Endeavor --- Here, "One's words are One's own" and General Readership may be accomplished ONLY with the advent of Death---posthumous Delivery .  

          Still, it is Necessary to acquit the actual Writing as a "Bottom Line"--- to recognize the Act of Exploration as the Key that unlocks both Inner and Outer Beauty . 

No Play In Plague

                 I "play" Joni's Music, so 'plague' aint ryte*.  I decided 'playge' was far more suitable.  I play her, she playges* me.  Feel it ??

          Affleck's Role in "Good Will Hunting" secured his Presence in my Soul.  Besides, [along with] his comedic excerpts, The "Apple In The Bar" Scene, the "Retainer" Scene, and the final "I'll Kill You Myself" sledgehammer, there exists extraordinary authenticity that only Street and Gutter Experience Affords.  

         My UnConscious connected these two -- but I suspect Universal Attribution is at stake and at cause .  Not only MUST there be a "Message" ---- there must be Meaning as well .   


Hejira Hunting


                    My arms still ache from efforts of five days ago.  I liken the ache [to what] ice must feel when it thaws.  I have a ton of shyt* to do--but I gotta head over to Staples to get copies made of my neighbor's Illustrations for the Kiddie Book I'm attempting to manifest in Reality.  

          I awoke to Joni Mitchell and Ben Affleck---an odd couple I know .  The other day I `put on` Joni's "Hejira" a magnificently disturbing Masterpiece that features Jazz Maestro Jaco Pastorius on his Electric Bass .  'It' has been playging* me for days now, skits and skats of reverberations and echos bouncing in and out of my Conscious Ness --- Haunting         haunting                 haunting .

          Affleck was the protagonist in a Film about Journaling--Diary-Keeping------he played an Ad Exec  who  wanted  to  become  a  Seeker  Of  Internal  Truths   {      }    not  his  BEST  'Wurq'  not  by a   l--o--n--g   shot.  It struck my Core as if  [by]  {with}  Sword . 

          This morning at 2:30 both were Ringing in my head--ringing  ringing ringing Ringing .


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Class War-Scare


                    I aint done here, not by a "long shot".    Thing is,,, Apoplexy and I are INTIMATE .   I Romanticize Apoplexy by rendering Her as Volcanic .   My Nature is to be Volcanic.   My particular Apoplexy is Chronic .  I suffer---and I suffer Greatly .   

          It aint enough to hold Classes so that folks can become "Literate" THAT aint do-in SHIT for MYY Peoples, those of us with barely Subsistence Means .   Ford commanded, "A car in every driveway"---"Fast-Forward"  `A computer in every home'.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .


The Shame Machine

                     Here now a Kozmiq parallel that defies 'extra-ordinary' to become Super UN-ORDINARY ---If you don't own a "Smart Machine" you aren't a member of Modern Day Society and {dare I register} Computer CULTURE .    You aren't "SMART"  ((!!!!)) which,, when you "Judge a book by its cover",, MEANS,,,  you must be IGNORANT where Ignorant IMPLIES Stupid and/ or Stupidity .  Here, being too POOR to OWN a Smart Machine is "taken for granted" .   

          I sub-ed for the Computer Teacher.  One class of 6th Graders, the order for one of the Hours .   They were working on an Ongoing Assignment .   Several had forgotten how to "Log In".  I shyt* you not .  I had to help them .   I went from one to the next in Awespicion*  (awesome + suspicion) .  WTF wuz* going on ?   I stopped class and asked, Who among you has access to a computer in their home, please raise your hand.   Not one of the kids I helped had access to a home computer .   

          They were AFRAID of the Smart Machine .   Being FORCED to Learn produced TERROR.  Not only couldn't they type (use the keyboard) they seemed SOOOOO dysconfident* they were mentally and physically IMMOBILIZED .   Inwardly I shuddered .  These POOR fuqing Kids ~~~~~~~~~~ .



Cur Rant

                     You can see it ryte* ?   To be dirty and soiled EVERY phuqing day, MEANS, according to the  Prime  Ordinance,  that  you  can't  possibly  be   "Next to God".   You can  see it ryte ?   "Don't judge a book by its cover" WEAPONIZED to judge those of HONEST Means as "Scum of the Earth" cur* {I use cur as irregular plural noun}.   You can see it ryte ?   The DIVI  SION between the Dirty and the Clean "takes on" SPIRITUAL Atrocity, that is, in NO WAY WHATSOEVER can "Equality" be 'applied' to the Unclean,, who are, for MOST "intents and purposes" UNFIT to experience not only Equality but JUSTICE as well .   2 words :    UNWORTHY !!!

"If you're so smart, why ain't you Rich ?"

                     Blue-collar, Red-Neck, uneducated blah-blah-blah,  they both Endured the Great Depression and my dad DID 'go through the Mil' .   They didn't own their own home until my 7th Grade .    

          That Background, the Physicality of it-- grounded by Roman Catholic Devotion, Church every Sunday -- Observance of EVERY  mandatory Holy Day   the seemingly PRIMAL Ordinance "Cleanliness is next to Godliness " .   To be Clean is to be Near God .   {         ...        }

          Low Middle Class gets us to 'close'-----but not by much .   So it is I have modest Rancor toward the "Well to do" and DEFINITELY toward the "Filthy Rich" and the `Squalor` Wealthy .   Know this :  I never thought I would become ANY Body or ANY THING for that matter .  That  'it' has held truth .  

          But there's this >thing< --- a wonderment WHY those "of means" look 'down' upon those of us WITHOUT those same means , those of us who use our BODIES as Tools to leverage and/or wrest Sustenance from the Working World .   Why IS it that "Down and Dirty" somehow implies LOWLY and Wretched ?    Those of us in Down Here make a phuqing HONEST Living and those above .....


Mr. Lyons

                     My mother barely got out of the 6th Grade, my father made it to 11th-- and that's it.    She worked in factories her entire adult life, my father DID manage to "have" his own excavating business == Chevy C60 Dump, International 500 Crawler Loader (with 4 in 1 Bucket) and trailer of course .   He dug cellars and back-filled them--we 'put in' lawns, 'did' asphalt driveways ,, and installed septic tanks and leach fields .   There was NO FUCKING WAY  they were gonna let me shadow them-- to be as they, factory anesthetized, and  constantly 'dirty' with soil, Diesel fuel, oil and grease -hands swollen with callus, fingers pock-marked with scabs and scars .... no  I was to be a "Scholar Athlete" ~~~ I was to attend University or College simply because my 6th Grade Teacher, Mr. Lyons, had "seen" me as in possession of certain traits and characteristics of said Scholar Athlete---------here now Mr. Lyons 4 year Starter in the Football Program of Brown University .   

          He had given us an Assignment-- to write "What I Want To Be When I Grow Up".   I wrote that I wanted to be like my Uncle Charlie--- a Pig Farmer [and] that it was OK to be a "Garbage Man".   Within seconds, he had written a note to my parents which I delivered unwittingly.  Next thing I know, I was moved from the Perfect Day Dreamer's Location, right beside the Bank of Windows, from  phuqing PARADISE    to the INMOST Interior with a seat at the FRONT of the class .

          2 words =  there was NO 'going back' .   Something had changed ......... .

"Tubular Bells"


                    The tubes in the tires I assembled did in fact 'hold' air---the other tubes did not.  There must be micro 'holes'--permeations* that allow air to escape, I will, in [most of ] all likely-hood, simply discard them .   It may be that the actual 'fabric' of the rubber itself has the first degree of 'dry-rot'--turning them into rubberized cardboard ~~~  we will see. 

          Yesterday, I completed Shoshana Zuboff's IN THE AGE OF THE SMART MACHINE .   I'm NOT gonna {rwyte} that this  Book  was "Heaven Sent"  BUT,   in the Sense that MANY of my Kozmiq* Questions were ANSWERED, Shoshana Zuboff   >IS<  , in psycho-fact*, an Angel delivering unto me Her BRILLIANT Analysis, with [the]  Scope and Measure of Arnold Toynbee and the Ethnological DILIGENCE found in Karen Ho's  LIQUIDATED .    Almost EVERY Sentence is PROFOUND .  It is Insight upon Insight, drawn from [her] Depth Psychology and [her] Interrogative Penetration into the Psyche of those she `questioned`--- which she manifests in a Science-text* that  WILL-BE set beside the Great Works of  Human GENIUS.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Un Loch Ness


                   It is believed that "communing" with Nature is a Cleansing activity a one that Fills the Heart and Stirs the Soul.   Believe it .   What I need U* Gize* to do is e--x----p--a--n--d "communing" to include NON-Natural Conditions---those of Civilizational  Correspondence (s) .   Remember, ConsciousNess like all other aspects of Human Form and Humanity as well -- is subject to Evolution.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goze... .

Where the bamboo breathe...

                     It's no Wonder, then, that I take hold of Suffering and embrace Misery----like every other Ancient Christian Ascetic, I FEEL it brings me closer to the Divine Infinite .   Unfortunately or FORTUNATELY,  MadNess* and Schizophrenia are also 'Bonded' to Suffering and Misery .   There Exists the NECESSITY to live in Multiple Worlds at the Exact Same Time .   Here now the Condition of Contact = the Contact with the MULTI-Verse, the one of MULTIPLE Dimensions of Non-Earthly Realities, some of which ARE Dimensions of Past, and Future ---those Earthly "Dimensions" that are SO  So SEEMINGLY Real .   What defies ULTIMATE Reality is the Physical IMPOSSIBILITY of Time Space Transfer .  Our Minds `travel` where are Bodies CANNOT .   

           HOWEVER, there ARE Times when Time Space Travel IS >>IMMEDIATE<< and UN-Conditioned.   I have experienced Time Relocation DURING my Sword Training---as if and as though Sword is a DEVICE of Transference .   "Reality" at this 'point' is NON-Existent and so is Time, for that matter .   "Activity" within the Ancient 'provides' an Awareness of Cosmic Principles that are un-tarnished by Modernity and its Corrosive Nature .  Here it is where I can BREATHE the Infinite .

Mystery LOVES Company

                     Living by [and within] Cosmic {and Kozmyq} Principles is Rewarded by "Smooth Sailing"---"Cool Runnings" and the like .   Deviation form the Principles results in Hardship and Sorrow, which in turn guarantees a "Poverty of the Soul" ----  {   } .   What ARE these so-called Principles ?   Why are we (((Punished))) for Non-Adherence ???    The Answer is Simple :   The Universe has One Trajectory and it is toward Perfection .   Each of us is headed toward the Center, toward Perfection [as both Herman Hesse and Dr. Jung have ingrained].   Evolution is the INFINITE Manifestation of the {Divine} Drive toward Perfection, It seeks CONTINUOUS "Change" that ALL Life become(s) Perfect .   

          The Taoist Master and Student of Lao Tzu , Chuang Tsu gives us a Reckoning = 

                                                    "Perfection is the Result of Struggle"

Oh my, oh my,, Oh MY ....

Tengu Ministries

                     Marking each day with Signs and Symbols (I sometimes fear) makes me Superstitious or STUPID-STITIOUS as I like to remind myself --- I look for these Signs and Symbols to help me identify my Effort as being 'Acceptable' and even 'Commendable' by the Infinite {Kozmyq*} Intelligence ---ever so Watchful of my >> behavior .   Folks speak of "Guardian Angels" and they have every Spiritual Right to do so ---  I speak of my Tengu Masters who do "Fly-By's" to monitor my Efforts, that I remain TRUE to Kozmyq Principles, Principles upon which the "Continuum" manifests.  When you take Vows to Defend the Truth and GUARD the Continuum {with your Life}, any evidence of Dis-Engagement results in a Sanctified Kozmyq "Nemesis"---that is, PRONOUNCED Failures, Failure that DEFY Logic and Rationality --- the Failures NOT just of Inadequacy and Ineptitude, but Failures DELIVERED as "WAKE THE FUK UP" ---"SLAP IN THE FACE"--- Exigencies .   

          Oddly my Failures are my Own, while my Successes are those of Humankind .  The Tengu manipulate Humility , sometimes to Blind, a BlindNess* that FORCES Introspection, INNER Vision, wherein non-secular Truth harbors an 'Other' Reality .    

Inner Tubes


                    Yesterday was as smooth as glass.  I didn't have to "fix" any flats, and here 'fix' means to locate the hole in the tube, rasp it, apply glue and finally put on the patch .   In tubeless tires, you must locate the hole----the easiest way to do that is to pump it up and submerge it in water--that way the air bubbles are complete identification.  I didn't have-to do THAT either since the four had tubes.  Of those four one was total shit---- a dry rot had compromised its integrity rendering it junk.  These tubes {aint*} cheap---they `run` between 14 and fifteen bucks.  The Universe 'gave' me three .  This morning's task is to get four tires from the many I have in storage, bullshit 'news' that would NOT hold air .  Fury and Frustration are appropriate .   You DON'T wanna start each workday by getting a pump and manually compressing air .  It's the Sign of laziness and stupidity, the Lethal Tw o.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Trojan Pig


                    I'm heading to out .  

          Recall the "Three Little Pigs" and their defenses against the "Big Bad Wolf" .  The most Industrious constructed a FORTRESS by using bricks and mortar---commendable of course .   But what remained was the Wolf himself .  Was his Removal even a consideration ?  Should the pigs have considered MOVING (?) to put un-traverse-able DISTANCE between  them and the Monster ?   Was the ELIMINATION of the Monster "on the table" for scrutiny ?   As far as we are storied, the Wolf REMAINED within Striking Distance  --  ever a Threat to MENTAL Peace of Mind .  


Rock steady........Steady az She goze .

One Nation under Fraud

                     Reporters and {pseudo} Journalist have recorded the events that occurred in the American House of Representatives as being "Chaotic".   That >IT< didn't 'sound' 'good' from its first delivery--still doesn't.  Factions within the republican party were vying for the Power to Control future 'proceedings'.  These Efforts were HARDLY Chaotic---there were strategies and tactics that were utilized as LEVERAGE to force movement toward Ambitions and Goals .  Political Street Warfare weaponizes Speech and Oration to manipulate the Minds of Each Faction--- and HERE Logic and Higher Order Reasoning does NOT have ANY 'desired effect' because TRUTH, as a Means to Measure Political Validity, is itself INOPERATIVE.  What was transpiring was the naked and SAVAGE Ambition of Derelict  {Moralists}  whose  ONLY  'End'  was  the  all-out  DESTRUCTION  of an Institution .   They wanted to destroy the FUNCTION of said Institution .   The Removal of its Function {the surety of aught} would `create` a Vacuum that was to be filled by 'semblances' of Antebellum Rigidity, but NOT the 'good' Kind, the Kind of Southern Hospitality and Gentleman{ly} Honor--- but the kind that Perceived Northern Democratic Idealism as an INVASION upon a Slave Mentality whose Implementation actually CAUSED the Militant Defiance that could only end in Secession .  

          Not Chaos    .......................           

On the Order of Chaos

                     I'm headed outdoors to clear my head, get some exercise and to help me Think and Not Think about what I want to Write {Rwyte}.   One of my self-imposed Assignments is to make 'Sense' of the Chaos generated by the News Media and Its reporting.  For most of a 'long time' I allowed myself NO definition of that word "Sense".  Now it's bugging me, nagging me, and harassing my Intellect with an infection born from {mutant} Aggravation .   "Sense" should be an explanation that restores or supplies ORDER, since the opposite of Chaos IS >> Order.  Writing {Rwyting} should bring Order to the Mind's Intellect-- to bring an understanding, to secure a Balance between Input and Assimilation ---at least I wanna figure it that way .   Thing is, we say "MAKE" "Sense" --- Sense HERE must be 'constructed'.  Recall that 'meaning' too, must be 'Constructed'.   What are the "building blocks" not only of Sense but of Meaning,, and does Chaos contain the fundamental and rudimentary elements with which to restore Order so that Meaning can be built as well  ???  

          Buddhism declares, "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form".   Can I get-away-with  Chaos is Order, Order is Chaos ???

Air Care


                     I must attend to some irksome details ~~~ moving one of my compressors from the shed to the Tools' Room so that I can begin fixing flats on a {junk} landscape wagon and one of the hand trucks.  I don't mind fixing flats, but it isn't one of my favorite tasks either.  The "Rigid" is designed for air powered tools, hammers and the like.  I have been reluctant to begin using it, since once you do, your ACTUAL hammering ability begins to evaporate and you become dependent upon electricity, extensions, &c.  I don't wanna lose my skill--BUT--as I age True weakness assaults my muscles ~~~  not cool .    

          I have three wheel barrows, two hand trucks and two landscape wagons, now THREE if you count the "junk".  By the way, it's no junk, the chassis is straight and true, but the bed-frame is bent and it lacks sides, so technically it's only a rolling platform.  I believe I can hammer-out the kinks and twists, if I can't I'll try another technique .  

          For what it's worth I have not one, not two,,, but THREE Air Compressors .   I have a PLETHORA of hand pumps, one antique that I CHERISH .   

          I have Issues-------------------------------SEVERE fuking Issues .

Friday, January 6, 2023

"Land Of The" Cost


                    This THIS is what happens when Democracy goes UN-Vigil-ized* .   In one Sense, Nature DOES {and MUST} have attributional* Cognizance of Actuality, meaning, the Great Mother KNOWS EXACTLY what She is "Doing".   Here, it MAY be necessary to `trope-out` Democracy, to "make" her into a Human Form-- to "give" her `life` as DAUGHTER of the Twins, Mother Nature and Mother Earth . In this, we MUST draw her as CONCLUSION~~~ that AGE is Responsible for her  seemingly MUTATIONAL Dysponderance*, meaning, the STRESS of Age Degeneration has weakened her to such an extent that she can no longer support her own Abstractions, the Primary Truths of her Street Worthy Viabilities, {Equality, Justice among them}.   Her Body {The American Body Politic} now supports and FEEDS the very Political CANCER {Ameri-CANCER} that MAY not be arrested .   

          Consider .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

The Tenets of Moronic Imbecility

                     You can see, feel and hear the Tenets of Moronic Imbecility being exercised by BOTH the republicans and the democrats as they offer one another the Possibility of having a BLACK man as SOTH {Speaker Of The House}.   I mean, shit, just when you think, they "KANT GET NO MORE STUPIDUH" they run, pell mell, down Shit Hole Avenue .  Remember what Obama's Election DID [?], it paved the Way for Trump and Trumpism .   How, EXACTLY is a BLACK Speaker gonna be any different ????? !  Childish {almost infantile} HOPE can beget Fantasy EXTREME-ISM , the one of Salvationary* SCUM.  Their Collective Minds have turned toward the Dream IMPOSSIBLE of OTHER Interjection of Destiny Altering Trajectory --- A SAVIOR-TYPE Political Methodology that presupposes Ideal Reformations.  It's fuking HORSESHIT of {coarse}.    

Atom and Eve

                     It's all "assess and elbows" as the American Republican Party descends into a Hell OF ITS OWN CREATION, but in so doing, has DRAGGED an entire Nation into the Cesspoolic* Morass of Shit, Piss, and fuking CORRUPTION .    Folks want to Believe that the present Chaos is some form of NATURAL DISORDER, that it is within the Nature of Politics to subvert the will of the Majority, by the propagandal* delivery of Lies, Deceits, Deceptions and Falsehoods, made {egregiously} Valid, by Patriotic Intention .   How can that BE ??? !   Here now this Patriotic Intent is noneother* than Sociopathic TREASON ,  the one NOT of DIRECT "hand-to-hand combat" but of a PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE aided and abetted by Media and Cyber dystopiatic* Frenzy .    Man CANNOT stop a tornado, cyclone hurricane or typhoon---so it is with THIS Political  HORROR,  DESPITE  ITS  "Man-Made"  Origin .  Once the Atom Bomb was detonated there was NO STOPPING its Result .

         Goodbye Hiroshima--so long Nagasaki ....... .

Terrorism az Currency


                    Look at what {Roman} Democracy has done to America.  FIVE {persons} are holding 350 MILLION  hostage,  by  dint  and  means  of  a  rabid,  almost  Sociopathic  radicalization  of  political prosecution .   I have been adamant that Democracy has genetic flaws, not the least of which is its Determination to "Protect the Few".   I have argued that this "protection" is at the EXPENSE of the Many--the MAJORITY, who, when using Democracy's Values as Orientation, can only stand by HELPLESSLY as Democracy {wirks} its way {in}to entropic calamity.    

          You gotta wonder if the Founding Beer Swillers even BOTHERED to address what had befallen the Athenian Democracy, the one that had Agrarian Rationale as Natural Guide and  Seasonal Orientation .   The Romans made INSTITUTIONS based upon Democratic Valuations, those of Idealistic Abstractions that in NO WAY could manifest on its streets as Egalitarianism .   Rome and its Society had become "industrialized" to the extent that INDUSTRY was the Prime Driver of Empire ConsciousNess* .  Here now Institutions as INDUSTRY .   Here now nascent Capitalism DEVOURED ConsciousNess and DWARFED the "individual" thereby reducing the so-called "Common Man" to a Voiceless ITEM of Roman Currency .

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

"Truth or Dare ??"


                    Is the Republic to uphold the Truth or is it to uphold the Lie ?    

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

The "Monster Mash"

                     We many be looking at Something Else ~~~Garland's World View .  Does he "Believe In" the American People(s) ?   Does this 'Belief' register in a POSITIVE Manner ??   Here now Trust rears ITS Ugly Face, the Face of a MONSTER gone the way of Death Dealing Largess .   Truth HERE, the Death Dealer of the Myth of the Stolen Election ---itself a MONSTER ...... .   Does Garland TRUST the People's to respond in a CIVILIZED Manner---a Response that NEEDS Truth to Validate Justice .   If only "Belief" could be kept Isolated, Secure in its Possession of Impermeability, meaning Corruption CANNOT 'enter' to contaminate or Injure Reality .   Yet this Belief does NOT "stand alone" for on ITS Back noneother* than the Guardian of FAITH.  Does Garland have FAITH in the People's Discrimination to Perceive Truth as the ULTIMATE and Supreme ???!!                        I doubt it .

           If Garland DID Believe in the People(s) he would Press Forward to Prosecute trump "according to the Letter of the Law" .   If Garland DID "Believe", he would TRUST the Republic's Strength and ABILITY to withstand the Forces of Diabolical Criminality, in this Case, Sedition and Insurrection .   

          Is Prosecution to GREAT a RISK ??????    Is Garland Brave or is he Cowardly ???????


                     So what are we looking at here ?    Is if Fear or Concern ?    Holder figured there would be ULTIMATE Damage to the Nation, that, the Status Quo would be altered in a NEGATIVE way and that Alteration would be IMPOSSIBLE to >> Fix.   That >>> IT<<< wasn't "worth" [the] It .   Garland MAY be seeing  >>>IT<<< the same way ---- that there would be IRREVOCABLE Damage to his beloved Status Quo and the Peoples of this already Cataclysmed* Country.    {{{I do NOT use the word >>Cataclysm<< litely*.   The election of trump was no mere Rupture, it was a Cataclysm .   The Nation's [Psycho-Ideological] Divide was BLOWN-UP and produced MASSIVE Distance between People and Peoples who once had at least ONE "shared commonality" that of living on the Same Land .   I use Cataclysm because even TIME had been IMPACTED, meaning,  the Time Dynamic, the one of linear progression, was not only Stalled but REVERSED .   It was as if Time itself had been SP  LIT* into TW O* .    This Time Dynamic, the FACT that tw o Times had `come into` 'existence', acted upon the Peoples to generate [a] Reality Chaos ---Two >>Worlds<< occupying the Same Space at the Same Time, which, until Now, was Physics-ly* IMPOSSIBLE . }}}  

Reign Day


                     When I left yesterday, I figured to comment on the Improbability of trump being prosecuted by the American Department of {IN}Justice based upon our experience with Mueller and his [abject] Failure  to  recommend  Prosecution  despite  the  HEAVY  load  of  Realized  Evidence .   I'm seeing Mueller and present Attorney General as being "cut from the same cloth" meaning "of the same ilk", meaning of the same Statue Quo loving Generation , the one that Pardoned Nixon .  Further, I see Garland as a fuking PUSSY, of the same cloth and of the same ilk as Eric Holder, that nit wit MORON who concocted "Too Big To Fail".   Garland izgonna* figure the Country CANNOT withstand the Prosecution of trump---that the Trial will INEVITABLY lead to [Cause] a Civil War, i.e., Fighting in the streets, Riots, Bombings, and ALL the SHIT Civil War entails, if the Last is to be 'held' as Paradigm.   

          Two words :  I DISAGREE ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY !!!!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Mean to slay


                   Inevitably we find ourselves asking, "What is the Meaning of Meaning ?"   If Meaning is to be constructed then it must 'have' Form.  What, then, does this Form 'look-like' ?  Physically, it 'looks-like' a Pyramid.  Mentally it 'appears' as Sensation .   Cut down, Meaning is Sensation.  

          During Jan 6  Trump "whipped" his mob into a "Frenzy".  His words did this, but MEANING activated Violence .   You can see it rite ?

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

"Total Recall"

                      Recall the device that is used to determine Truth--it is "Lie Detector"--- a MACHINE that is calibrated to detect anomalies in Body Status Quo,  micro-nuances of PHYSICAL 'accents' that occur ONLY under stress and/or duress, generated by QUESTIONS or QUESTIONING .   [The Delivery of] Truth is viewed as NON-STRESSFUL .   Lies, "on the other hand" ........... .

          I don't remember when we were introduced to "Reading BETWEEN the Lines".   Suddenly, there was a Realm of Understanding {a Realm of MEANING] that existed as INVISIBLE >>Inference<<  .  What the speaker delivered, and of course, what the writer MAY have implied, was a deeper MEANING that was PERHAPS intentionally HIDDEN so as to engage the listener or readers' SUBLIMINAL Intelligence .    This Subliminal Intelligence is dependent upon BODY's Intellectual Corporeality .  The Body KNOWS .   Here it is where Knowledge is NOT just Mental Abstraction but a PHYSICAL Construct .   In Movies and Fine Arts' Cinema, how often have we heard, "If he don't tell the Truth, we're gonna BEAT it outta him ."   Truth resides IN [the] Body .

           Truth is Invisible yet SENSATIONAL .  


Truthful --> Full of Ruth

                     There is the phrase, "Face Value"--  things, in the most UNIVERSAL >sense< are "taken" at "Face Value" meaning it is PERHAPS unnecessary to 'apply' analysis {criticism} to expressions given the Context of their [Delivery] .  Here it is where Lies, Falsehoods and Dys-assertions* gain 'foothold' in everyday discourse .   These Three, are dependent upon the Receiver's [dys-concern*], a dysconcern whose nature is not mere lack of focus but the ripe and ready access to intellectual SLOTH.  Folks say, "I don't think about it" MAINLY BECAUSE they can't be BOTHERED, meaning, "It's too much WORK" where work MEANS "Trouble" .    Most of my Generation were raised to "Keep our noses CLEAN" WHICH means, "Do not LOOK for Trouble", in Essence because if you DO "Trouble will find YOU".  Trouble, by definition, is NOT to be "sought" but AVOIDED "at all costs".   When the "Transitive Principle" is Applied HERE,  the Acceptance of the BYYYG Three MEANS >>NO TROUBLE<< .   Here it is where TRUTH is to be considered, "just too much fuking TROUBLE" ,  Cut down >>>  Truth EQUALS Trouble .   

          "Uhhh  Houston ??  We have a problem."

"You feel me ?"

                     I have encountered a phrase that Shoshana Zuboff has used repeatedly in her passages, it is "meaning must be built".   Generally, sentences are referred to as being "constructed", indeed, "sentence structure" is taught as NECESSARY if true Communication {of thoughts} is to be successful.  Here, MEANING is [obtained] {attained} readily, with NO disguise, or entendre .   We say, "Mean what you say, say what you mean."   I 'get' that, however, if one declares that Meaning must be >>built<< what are the items or building blocks of Meaning, and exactly HOW are these blocks arranged to produce that Meaning ?   Clearly, Meaning that 'stands alone' is difficult to identify .   Often, after an UN-successful attempt at expressing meaning, we say, "You know what I mean"---we even ask, "Do you know what I mean?"  Here it is that expression relies on {depends upon} UNSPOKEN Transmission, the delivery of mostly PHYSICAL "cues", which take the formlessNess* of seemingly TELEPATHIC Energies that when received, offer Understanding .  We say, "Did you 'get' that ?"  At this point the FEELING of reception QUALIFIES as Understanding .  Recently, the expression, "You FEEL me ?" has entered Social Intercourse via Street and Gutter [Public] Vehicle .   Clearly, Meaning is {a} FEELING .   Clearly, Meaning manifests as BODY AwareNess* .   Mind 'Understanding' is NOT >Enough<, where Enough MEANS Complete .

Mean Streaks


                    The terms, understanding, comprehension and apprehension must be clearly defined.  I use understanding to qualify familiarity to the pint of usage, one is able to understand meaning and apply it it.  Comprehension involves a deeper understanding , one that exercises meaning that can be taught, while apprehension is a FULL-BODY >>Knowledge<<, the one of complete control of understanding, a control that signals TOTAL ConsciousNess .  Apprehension involves a Knowledge that INCLUDES the Physics of Meaning, the HOW of it .  In all instances the WHY of Knowledge is left in a Realm of Mystery, since the WHY has NO Direct Application for Contextual Purposes.