Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Apple of my Ire

                              With regard to Paternalism our Society HIGHLY Values "Following in your Father's footsteps" i.e., to 'be' 'just like Dad' .   Look at George Washington and his Legacy we inherited .   Washington is the Political Paradigm that shackles Political Altruism to Paternal Authority .   Presidents are lauded if they "Follow in Washington's footsteps " .    

            It is known that Newton was beneath an apple tree when an apple fell on his head and awakened him to "Gravity" .   We say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree".  We do not admit, "Gravity keeps the apple close ".    We apply this adage to paternal inheritance, look as trump's sons and daughter .... .   To rid one's self of negative Paternal characteristics means do DEFY the Father's Gravity .   This  Defiance  is NEEDED  if  the offspring are to develop in THEIR OWN WAY ,  free from problematical world views and Paternal Emotional Entanglements .   Indeed, the Path to Manhood is FRAUGHT with Developmental Issues whose origin CLEARLY resides in the Psychological Structure of the Father .


"Cousin Kevin"

                              OBVIOUSLY, the only 'Miracle' we need to be delivered {unto us} must be delivered by trump himself .  The Miracle is trump to Confess :  "I LIED TO YOU---  I got beat "fair and square" and Biden is [[YOUR]] the RIGHTFULLY Elected President ."  

            Anybody see THAT coming ???   Me neither .



"EXTRA EXTRA Read all about it" ...

                              I Believe 'Authoritarianism' rests upon 'Paternalism' .   I base my belief on the Psychological 'Circumstances' of the Myth "Oedipus Rex" .   There has been MASSIVELY Extensive Consideration given to the subject {of  the jealousy and envy of the Father by the Son and in rare instances the daughter} .  Noted Psychologists and Psychiatrists include :  Freud, Adler, Jung, Rank, Horney and Sullivan .    You would think that killing your Dad so you could fuck your Mom would be INSTINCTUALLY * 'reprehensible' and therefore IMPOSSIBLE , , , but Sci Fi Thinkers have posed an "End-Of-The-World" 'scenario' in which the last remaining inhabitants of Earth are a Mother and her son, in which case, if the Species is to survive,, the last remaining two MUST 'unite' .  

            Please keep in mind my orientation .   Trump  and  Trumpism  MUST be confronted and neutralized .   In this, the Psychological Factors of his defeat MUST be considered, since there can be no "Will" unless the Mind is fortified with PSYCHOLOGICAL Truth .

            I am NOT suggestion ANY form of PHYSICAL deletion* but rather a PSYCHOLOGICAL import* that has the weight and magnitude of EMOTIONAL Fortitude .   To "kill" trump is to render him and his 'magic' inoperable, thereby clearing the way for a Fact and Truth based Reality .

"Inside Out"....

                              "Nothin's gonna come out that wasn't in there in the first place" --- Anon.   So it is with Trumpists, Fascists, Naziists* and Alcoholists* .   All of us have heard stories of "mean drunks", folks who  have  a   "Jekyll and Hyde"   'Condition'  exposed during bouts of drunken--Ness* .    A drunk is mean because Mean is a part of his-or-her Psychological State of Being .   The alcohol merely uncovers this state .   Some would argue that Trumpists have a 'susceptibility' to be duped {led astray}, a 'childlike' Innocence that deflects blame {and cowardice} away from them .   Trump doesn't just 'represent' them, he is Manifestation of their Psyche , a PROOF of dys-development* .   [[ I wanted to write >mental deformities< but that MAY imply some Physical Attribution that actually WOULD relieve them of Responsibility {so I mean, there's THAT}]] .  


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Miracle CURSE

                             Rightly and rwongly* "Make America Great Again" has been identified {Miss Identified} as 'slogan' , motto, propagandal* exhortation and on MY `side` as both Mantra AND Curse .   Yesterday, on my Thought Wall, I rwote* `Is the c-u-r in cure the same or different from the c-u-r in curse ?`  Indeed, this morning's topic for Consideration was SUPPOSE-TO-BE solely on THAT .   Well CLEARLY that THAT 'got away' from me .   As I walked about to ease my back, this arrived, "Trump is the Cur who cast the CURSE " .    {They can't all be Gems} .  

            I'm stuck on great as GRATE --- which then makes PERFECT Sense ESPECIALLY when the Curse is delivered by trump .   

            Once again we have arrived at the Intersection of Romance and Reality, brought there by the Vehicle of Explanation .   Unfortunately {or Fortunately} I am susceptible to Simplifications that themselves have been REDuced* to children's Mentality--- the one of Cartoon and "Magical Thinking".  Here it is where the depiction of trump as a demi-godish* Villain, along the lines of "Snidely Whiplash", rumbles and rambles through my tiny monkey brain as God-Zilla among the Japanese "Lilliputians" .   Once I identify trump as Snidely Whiplash it becomes INEVITABLE to tag Joe with "Dudley Do-Right" and Democracy as "Nell" .   

              I have issues--------------SERIOUS fucking ISSUES .


"The Pinball Wizard and the Miracle Cure"

                             I believe we can reach the conclusion {with RELATIVE safety} that trying to change the mind of devout trumpists is like trying to change the minds of those Devoted to their Religion .   You `aint-gonna` do it --- not with words or speeches, so if not with words or speeches,, CAN the minds of trumpists {or any other fanatics} be changed to first 'straighten' them and then `bend` them toward a healthier socio-religio-political lifestyle ?   We've encountered this Condition before .   Recall that Moses and his used Heaven's Sorcery in the Court of the Pharaoh to try and convince them that THEIR Power [and here Power is the Power of Miracles] was  GREATER  than that of  Pharaoh's Magicians and Sorcerers .    Recall how the Bon in Tibet were defeated by Buddhist Miracles .   Miracles Transform !  

            Does Biden and his have access to Miracles ?                 

            You can see the problem .  

            Joe aint no "Pinball Wizard" .

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Blessing IS The Curse

                              Know this :  The Blessing IS The Curse .  The  Mahayana proclaims :  "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is form".   It took me   TWENTY   YEARS   to finally 'apprehend' this Dogma .  I've stolen this `formula` and applied it to   >>blessing<<   and   >>curse<<  .   

            I am referring to the 1st Amendment "Freedom of Speech" which is most assuredly a "Blessing" yet we have [and we ARE] experienced [experiencing]  the savage and BRUTAL 'exercise' of  this Amendment but in its transmogrification .   Here it is where 'blessing' has 'become' CURSE .  

            You can read it :  "What we need is CHRIST in our schools !"   `What we need is TRUMPISM in our schools` .   "In God We Trust" ----   In Trump We Trust .   

            Trump's rhetoric, (and here the use of 'rhetoric' is being generous) is that of a self-deluded and blatantly MANIACAL --------> CRIMINAL !   And yet he is Believed to be THE ONE AND ONLY who can deliver AmeriKKKa from the grasp and clutches of heinous liberals whose Intent it is to move America's Society and Culture from "Animal Farm" `proclivity` to Garden of Even >>> Utopia .   





Myth Takes

                               Some time ago I delivered {unto you} a theory {theory is being generous} that Capitalism had 'become' a Religion, wherein Profit was worshiped .   Along THAT 'avenue' there were various billboards that depicted trump as "Savior" ["I alone can fix this"]..   To the Ignorant and mis-informed, trump registered as "ONE OF US" ---  somehow an elitist street urchin managed to convey Red Neck and Neo Nazi Extremism as FUNDAMENTAL [day-to-day] Socio-Political CLIMATE .   Here, I use Climate to highlight the >>>NaturalNess*<<< of said Extremism .   Here it is where Ignorance of FACTS and the complete and utter DISREGARD for Truth is the FOUNDATION of [their] Reality .   Here it is where {Socio-Political] FUNDAMENTALISM has the same POWER as [Religious] FAITH .   ALL of us KNOW the Power of FAITH .   The Faithful [Full of Faith] CANNOT be made to swerve from the Path of RighteousNess* and Conviction .   To go against DOGMA is to commit EGREGIOUS Sin .   Not only THAT, but the individual who questions Faith, also questions his or hers INMOST Belief in the RighteousNess of >>> Self<<< ,, for  who  would want to believe that their Ego-Self is {AT BEST} flawed ?   Faith-Belief in Extremist Fundamentalism is Belief in {the Ego} Self .

            Uhhh, Jerusalem ?   We have a problem ... .

Know Brain, Know Pain

                         The BIGS and the SUPER-BIGS have yet to deliver a way to convince Trumpians to relinquish their hold of "The Big Lie" .   Maddow's suggestion that you interact with trumpists on something OTHER than politics, that an interpersonal relationship be established and with that PERHAPS an avenue to address their [wrong] thinking may become available, I mean, that's tough----let alone time consuming .   The election is a year [just about] from Now .   Why would you seek an interpersonal relationship with an ASSHOLE ?   {{That was harsh,, sorry}} .  One of my closest Male Friends voted for trump .   When I told him he had E---X---T---E---N---S---I---V---E brain damage he just  laughed .   We haven't discussed trump or Trumpism since .   I confess, it was EXCEEDINGLY Painful to hear him say he SUPPORTED trump .   It STILL hurts .

Monday, November 27, 2023

Iz Ray ILL and Miss Treatment

                              It SHOULDN'T  be difficult to accept this analogy ;  Slaves were to America as Gazans and West Bankers are to Israel .  If there IS a 'difficulty' it is to see Gazans and West Bankers as PRISONERS OF WAR and NOT "Slaves" [in the American sense of Slaves] .   I have tired to depict Present  Day  AmeriKKKa*  as  something  of  an  Apartheid  Nation  but  even  I  feel  it  is  a                 s-t--r---e----t------ch.   .  The same must be applied to Israel---  I mean it's close EVER so Close .

            You can see the Problem .   There are those in Israel who consider Palestinians nothing MORE than Prisoners of War, so ANY mis-Treatment* of them is [somehow] Justified since "To the Victor go the spoils" .    I aint buyin' it .



The University of Gaza

                              It's unlikely that nyet*-and-yahoo* will have an Abe Lincoln Congruity* and Free the Gazans and West Bankers   and then provide them  TRUE "Homes" .     Trump and nyet-and-yahoo are "cut from the same cloth" meaning  they  share  what I will tag, a fabric of  {self-perceived invincible} Evil .    (((To use 'Evil' here is also to Romanticize the Condition of Human Atrocity,,  but to use 'political negativity' is to diminish their Atrocities)))  .    I wonder if the Israeli Body Politic is CAPABLE of releasing the Gazans and West Bankers unto themselves --- to establish a Gazan Homeland as well as a West Bank Nationhood Niche .   I doubt it .


Children of the Porn

                             I get Lost and NOT the "lost" of Winnie the Pooh and his Friends who have just SOOOO much Fun they get Lost---no and FUCK NO --- this is the Lost of Nightmare Battle with foes of SUPERIOR Power who seek my {inevitable} Destruction, against whom I struggle without weapon .   I awaken in a sweat, exhausted .  I wonder,    How can this be ?????

            To describe trump's 'Influence' as Pied Piper Mystery is to offer a ROMANTIC depiction of Human wrought CATASTROPHE .   I apologize .   I sought only to REDuce trump's POWER to elemental levels, the elementary ConsciousNess of Children .  OBVIOUSLY, trump is NO "Pied Piper"- a cartoon character whose Magical Power was nothing short of SAVAGE  Brutality-- the non-violent FORCED migration of INNOCENTS .  It is the Pied Piper's POWER that is the Parallel to that of trump's and Trumpism .  THAT'S my Point .   Recall that Indiana Jone's Myth where the Children of a Village were "led" into slave-caves to harvest ore .   It was a 'take' and 'retake' of `The Myth of The Pied Pied Piper  only "cinema-tized*" .   

             When I use 'elementary ConsciousNess of Children' I mean this ;  not only are the Children "led astray" by somewhat demonic forces , it is important to see that the Myth's LESSON is directed toward ADULTS .  It was the Mayor of the Village and the Villagers themselves who FAILED to uphold "their end of the bargain".          "Kiddie Lit" for Adults ---what's not to Love ?


Thrall of Duty

                              My lacrosse balls are still missing .  This morning I can't remember where my desk stapler is.   I can't locate my Best space-heater either, although I KNOW I put it in a barrel for {get this} "safe keeping" .   I have 2 THOUSAND 20-25 gallon `barrels` on both the North and South border [extremes] .   I don't actually NEED the lacrosse balls but I DO 'need' the space-heater . 

            I suffer from a Chronic Despondency that delivers waves of Sadness --- I wonder if that 'it' is a reflection [or echo-o-o] of the National Sentiment regarding "Life In These Un-Tied States"--- that my morose 'discomfort' is {kwite* simply} a NORMAL Response to the ongoing bombardment of Human Atrocity, itself  delivered by the Media whose concern for "impartiality" throttles ANY advance of TRUTH .   We are NOT going to 'trust' Hamas, but so it is with the IDF as well .   

            The Israeli "Kill Rate" of Gazan and West Bankers, which includes THOUSANDS of WOMEN and CHILDREN,, has sickened the Global Populace to such an extent that the demand for "CEASE FIRE" resonates with untellable* Sorrow .   Here it is where Israel is DEAF to the Cries and Supplications of INNOCENTS .   Here it is where the Extinction of Hamas is to be executed REGARDLESS of COST .  And so the Innocents Pay, and Pay they do with their lives and the lives of their most cherished beloved .  Horror upon Horror , the acts of SHAMEFUL Cruelty registered as [Patriotic] Duty and Obligation . 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

D.A.D. Dumb and Dumber

                             Chris Hayes posed this question to Rachel Maddow, "How do we 'break the spell' ?   It caught me 'off-guard' --- trump's   >influence<   as    >"Spell"<    renders trump not only a "snake charmer" but some sort of Nu-Age* magician / sorcerer .   Trump has bee considered a "Cult Leader",  but that doesn't go far enough nor deep enough since approximately HALF {for Hyperbole's sake} the American Nation BELIEVES that Joe Biden was elected under fraudulent---------------->  circumstances .

            The parallels that exist between, Hitler, Mussolini and Franco [remember him ?] are drawn as relevant  and  significant  but I am doubtful that  "Cult Leader"  satisfies  intellectual  {and scientific} scrutiny .   Hayes  stated that there was a particular syntax, grammar and cadence to their rhetorical oratory .   He came shrt* of declaring that their rhetoric was a form of MUSIC, as "sing-song" idyllic* {where idyllic is used as noun} .  Now we have the "Music" of the Pied Piper as "trance" inducing, and I would argue that this >trance< has SELF-HYPNOTIC indigers* {from indigent} as well, meaning, folks had a LATENT desire to accept ANYTHING that offered Relief from Neo-Platonic Liberalism, the one that proclaims Political Unitarianism in its Democratic Form {mis-perceived by the right as democratic Socialism} as the ONLY true Path toward the Utopia offered in the Declaration of Independence .  Recognize "pre-determinism" as the agent that accepted and then fostered Trumpism, where Trumpism is a state of Political PATERNITY , {"Father Knows Best"} , a state of dictatorial Authority in which OBEDIENCE {I use Obedience instead of Loyalty to highlight Paternity} is valued DESPITE its Psychological Oppression .  



Pipe schemes


                              The question regarding trump's "Influence", [in all its forms], has not been abandoned with 'throw-your-hands-up' exasperation .   Big and SUPER-Brains still 'hold' the question as a Zen Kong-an [in Japanese koan] because of the POWER trump has over {and under} his acolytes and soldiers .   I have made efforts to REDuce his `influence` to that of the "Pied Piper" whom you may recall 'gathered' the hamlet's children and led them to some 'blissful beyond' .   Here now the association to "Snake Charmer" -the one with the 'magic' pipe- is a strong consideration .   OBVIOUSLY , trump has no pipe, and yet his "following" is still ---> mesmerized <--- .   What is the true nature of this mesmerized-ation* .

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Age of Age

                              Look at Rome, look at Athens, look at Tehran ........  World Ruling Empires gone the way of "Once was" and "Will never be again".   Do NOT,,, for even one instant,,, believe that Washington D.C. will avoid that Same Decay and subsequent Downfall .   {Built to crash} .

            Joe Biden IS America, old, frail,, a shadow of his [its] former Self,,, beset with Defile-ments* from which NO Recovery is possible .   


Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .


"Chump" Change

                              I estimate FIVE Trillion to rebuild Gaza .   I pulled that number "out of my ass" .   From where is even 1 MILLION  to come ?    You can see it rite* ?   Israel as COLONY of America -- therefore, the Rebuild money is to come from America and Her Citizens .   You want "Tough Sell" ?   There it is .

            The AmeriKKKan* Kongress* is ALREADY fully prepared to END Aid [in ALL its forms] to Ukraine .   Trump and his will RENOUNCE all NATO ties, and with That,,  will END the Strategic Alliances so carefully nurtured in Post WWII .    

AmeriKKKa will be made Grate .


The Ballistic States


                             The Baltic States =  Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

                              The Ballistic States =  Israel, Gaza, West Bank .

The 3 States = Solid, Liquid, Gas

                              I have echoed the use of 'Gazans' broadcasters have assigned to coastal Palestinians .  I have refrained from tagging those that reside on the West Bank with that same, they have altogether DIFFERENT Issues .   Now we have Gazans, West Bankers and the catch-all Palestinians with which to contend .  I don't like it, not one bit .   Look at what was done with the 'Slovaks*' from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia .   Folks that once resided in quasi-socio-political harmony DEMANDED their "Own" .  That Very Same MAY apply to Gazans and West Bankers creating MORE Distortion to the Cacophony of Misery, Pain and Suffering already in Stone Age existence .   If the "Two State Solution" is furtively Distant, how then is a  >>>THREE<<<  State Solution to find Plausibility ANYWHERE ??????? 


                              BIG and SUPER Brains have begun "Takin' It To The Streets", i.e., broadcasting the INEVITABLE Apocalypse that awaits America should trump regain the Presidency .   What is egregiously ominous is their INTENSITY , resulting from the Recognition that whatever trump SEZ* he is gonna-do WILL get done, largely due to the FACT that trump will insert or insinuate HIS Psycho-fants* into a "Cabinet" that will surely resemble that of Hitler .   Most recently "Old School" Conservatives, {and here I mean REAL Old School} have entered the Propaganda Fray with bone-chilling Scathe*--- .   One Such spoke of the [DIRE] Necessity of communicating the 'STAKES' instead of focusing on the 'Odds'.   What ---EXACTLY --- is "at stake" ?    Everything -----  EVERYTHING is "at stake" .   

Ish Shoes


                               I  rounded  up  all  of  my  3/8  ratchets,   EIGHT  in  number,  and  that  may  not  be all .   I don't remember what happened, why I have so many ~~~~~~~~~  I told you qidz* I was lazy  ---  I KNOW that's part of 'it'---'it' being the NEED for the EZ-est and simplest way to manage nut and bolt fastenings and removals .   It's not as if I DON'T have wrenches and duplicates and triplicates and quadricates*  I DO , but I feel clumsy when I use them --- as if I'm all thumbs -- thumbs on the rwong* hands that face the rwong way .   Ratchets and sockets CELEBRATE "Snug" .  "The More the Merrier" .  I have issues SOOOOOOOO many issues .

            I can't even manage my slippers, sneaks, shoes, shoe-boots, boots and rubbers .  I have issues with them --->  Ish Shoes, you mite* say.  I have Ish Shoes .

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Steel, from the Best

                              I'm leaving you with Woody Allen who decried , "I think Making  Love and Dying are pretty much the same thing, except I don't expect to be nauseous when I die ."  

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Hamas a Zilla

                              OBVIOUSLY   the  fucking  LAST  'thing'  Gaza  `wants`  is to live the Present-Day Future .   The same is true of ALL Muslims who loathe the West and its WORSHIP of Celestial Futurism .   For the West,, the Future 'holds' what Dr. Joseph Campbell tags as "The Promise of Perfection" {although the phrase was directed at Women  --  "Sirens" to be specific} .   

            Of course, when you're fucking STARVING ----------- >   THERE IS NO FUTURE  .

            As gently as I can ~~~~~ there IS a Future and there will ALWAYS be a Future .

            The War on Hamas WILL 'end' .

            The Future has ALREADY arrived .



Resolve = RE Solve

                              We now recognize Godzilla as an `Agent of the Law` , where "Law" is the Law of "Cyclicity" * .    But here now the necessity to e-x-p-a-n-d Cyclicity to include Change .  Now Godzilla is the Law of Change .   Take a step toward Gaza City and see War as an 'Agent' of Change -- {and now best to view War as the Greek God Ares} .   We must be ever Mindful that the Ancient Hindus Venerated both Shiva and the Goddess Kali .   Here it is where Death + Destruction GUARANTEE Life Affirming Resolve .   

              We lived the RESOLVE of the VC .  We lived the RESOLVE of  Post-WWII Europe .   We lived the RESOLVE of Japan .  We lived the RESOLVE of South Korea .

               Is Resolve to be found among the Gazans and West Bankers ?

Miss Chee Vus

                             I have claimed the prosperous preposterous :  "My God is God Zilla" .   Yesterday aft, while reclining in Chairy-Chair an "it" arrived with mischievous suspicion .   Here it is :   Godzilla is the Japanese "Big Bad Wolf".   I know rite ?   How amazing I am, how wondrous and bucolic .

            It can be seen that Godzilla is manifestation of not only  Death + Destruction but Rebirth and Regeneration as well .  {Shiva and Kali} .   It is Imperative to imbue Godzilla these Cosmic Characteriations .  Godzilla surfaces from the Depths of the Japanese Collective UnConscious to remind them that Life has its                                           Denizens .    Despite Japanese Modern Military Sophistications* the Wrath of God Zilla reduces Modernity to its Molecular Origins .   Here it is where Japanese INNOCENCE is of NO Consideration to the Giant of Gore .   ALL fall .

            Not one Japanese Innocent is observing ;   "Oh Grandfather what big teeth you have".  No and FUCK NO .   They recognize Godzilla for what he is =  CHANGE .



                              During the Vietnam War the North survived the DAILY "Carpet Bombing" of B-52 Strato-Fortresses .   The VC were like ants, staying True to their Evolutionary Imperative to "Survive at ALL Costs" .    "We seen that movie"  it ended real nice .

            Recall the Images of Post-Drop Japan ---  how in the World's FUCK could they even IMAGINE a Prosperity that would eventually SURPASS that of the {once-upon-a-crime} United States [if only for a brief few years]  ?????? !!!!!      And yet ............. and yet .

            Have you seen "Modern" Germany ?  

            Some might say that even South Korea is a MARVEL of Western-style Industry .   I am one of Those .


Gaz Zilla

                              You look at the rubble and pulverized remains of concrete blocks in Gaza and you might think , "Blasted back into the Stone Age" .   I mean, I suppose .   But if you continue the thought it may lead you to the realization that being blasted back into the Stone Age is only half way , because what comes next ?  Well, the Future comes next ;   so in MY use of 'sense', Gazans have been blasted into the Future since the Past has been pulverized and {therefore} obliterated .  

            The view of  disemboweled structures  leaves me agape with horrocious {horrorfied} bewilderment .   They used concrete blocks for walls, but I failed to see the "tie-ins" that kept the entire wall in place .   It's ALMOST Stone Age Mechanics and unsafe at ANY height .  But hey, that's just me .

            We seen the dystopic view of SUPER-Sky Scrapers within which the multitudes exist ;  each Sky-Scraper as City unto itself ;  the OPPOSITE of Paradise .   Is  there  an  escape from this Gazan Eventuality ?   Unlikely ........... .

Friday, November 17, 2023

The Wizard of 'Cuz


                              I must leave this here and return to Grounds' Clean-up Activity .


            There's no place to go except U    .

            Gaza must be built "from the ground {to} UP" .

             This THIS `aint-gonna take no Miracle` .  Recall that just a few seconds ago there was "Czechoslovakia" .   Don't speak to me of "Impossible" .


Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Midnight at the O-ache-sis

                              Nit-wits, low-brows and knuckle draggers* ,, who masquerade as Intellectual Elite,, have suggested that "Western" Nations begin accepting Gazan and West Banker refugees with 20,000 each for every Western Country , that  THAT  may reduce the VISE-Congestion in both Gaza and the West Bank .  That THAT would be like adding even MORE Shit to an open cesspool that is ALREADY overflowing into the Planet's Fresh Water Drinking Supply .   

            There is this word "diaspora", originally it meant the resettlement of  "Babylonian Jews",, but this def. was further s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to mean the resettlement of {just} general folks who grew unhappy with their previous Life Conditions .   Understand diaspora by acknowledging the migration of Middle and South Americans who seek refuge in the Un-Tied States .   

            A "Palestinian Diaspora" has already been summarily REJECTED by [even] the Nations that border Israel , Nations COULD "give-away" Land that has been considered un-arable and therefore inhospitable .   I shrug at that one --- when hard-pressed Humans `pancake`* {to make from scratch} a way to Sustenance Salvation .   "Unlikely" will suffice here .



From See to "Shining Sea"

                              "The Boat People of Gaza" .    We need Science Fiction to Imagine the Gazan "Boat People".   You gotta figure that GIANT Boat Cities must be constructed if Gazans are to Exist near the Gazan Coast .   In no time at all there would be MUTINY ,  where is there Agriculture, where is there Industry, where is there Work ???   Where is there LIFE ?????   

            You want "Obvious" ?   It would take TRILLIONS to build the Arks necessary to house MILLIONS .   Certainly THAT won't happen in our lifetime .

             So now we are "Back on dry land" .   It's safe to conclude that "Stratos" won't be built either, since we are a few years away from MASSIVE Anti-Grav  Inertia .  

              To misquote Paul Revere ---       "None if by Land, None if by Sea" .                          

Vise Vice

                              OBVIOUSLY the Removal of the >>>Threat Of Mass Extinction<<< SHOULD-BE* the First and FOREMOST 'Action' that the Planetary Ruling Mind MUST ---> Impose upon the ConsciousNess* of Northern and Middle Africa .   Here it is where "It's easier SAID than DONE" 'enters' with a Shakespearean 'flourish' that is piggy backed with "This guitar goes to ELEVEN !!!!!!!!!!!" .

            I gotta* laff* at the "Two State Solution" since a "State" is required by Gazans and another by the West Bankers .   THAT would position Israel in a VISE that would GUARANTEE   UN and Non-Conditional >>> MASS HYSTERIA<<< .    Even IF a Land Mass of Territorial Jurisprudence was to be 'assigned' the THREAT of Vise Closure is STILL immanent [according to Israeli Vision] .

            If the Gazans and the West Bankers are NOT to be "Given" Land      What then ?



Ravaging Rage ---> Ravrage*


                              I can't get into my `Vault of Resources`~~~  I don't know why I locked it in the first place .   

            Commentaries on "History In The Making" are of little or NO value if Insight, in many of its forms, is lacking .   Here it is where the Daily News, despite its delivery of Ongoing Human Atrocities, has become a 'Day-Mare' from which awakening is Impossible ~~~ a Horror-laden phantasmagoria of Savage, Unrelenting Barbarism,  the one in which Human Beings are treated as insignificant `vile`*.

            It isn't as if there are NO Solutions to geo-political Problems, {and here 'problems' is exceeding sophomoric since the so-called Problems have reached Existential [and now] Apocalyptic Instinctuality*, the one where the Instinct of Self-Preservation DOMINATES both Psyche and WILL and therefore blinds even the Imagination of Vision, so much so that a Future --- ANY Future ---  is barely seen as a something that is 'worth-while' } .   There ARE Solutions ---  hand makeable* with the `materials` nearby IFF  Hatred, Rage,, Fury and BlindNess* can be brought under control by Common Sense, Sound Reasoning and the Logic of the MIND and NOT the Heart .   And yet ................................  and yet ........................... . 


Friday, November 10, 2023

"Take a puff, it's SPRING-TIME !"

                              My Best recall my suggestion to OPEN-UP Jerusalem .  Many several generations were born and expired until that Suggestion was heeded .   The Ecumenical Council WAS convened, in Sri Lanka of all places , and despite scant attendance initially, the Peoples of the World were gladdened by such rare Opportunity and the `hold-outs` eventually succumbed to unrelenting GLOBAL Pressure .  Allow me this AA trite :  "Folks were sick and tired of being sick and tired."  And since the Bar of Expectations had been lowered to Marianas Trench depth, Success was most assuredly Guaranteed .   All they had to do was simply Agree, that "War is Hell" and that Hell was a place to be AVOIDED at Any and ALL Costs .  

            You'd think that accomplishing this most Public 'End' would be EASY --- oddly, it was not .



"The Shell Answer Man"

                              I've asked all the Questions and have all the Answers .   I am "Mistra Know-It-All" .  The "Shell Answer Man" has NOTHING on me .   It {all that Knowledge and shit} doesn't help me find Peace for the World since Power resides in Political Idiotoracy* .   When I was chosen to be the bYg Head of the Milky Way it was a Shock to the Galaxy's Elite --- no one from the Crab Nebula had EVER even been considered, and to have been  Zen Sword'sMan further aggravated them .    

            Some 'whiles' ago I confessed of living in what you quidz* would consider the Future .   At that Time, Earth had resolved various Issues and Jerusalem had been Decreed  the PLANET'S Holiest-Most- Sacred ; meaning,   ALL Religions had Free and EZ Access to ALL of Jerusalem, and with It, Mecca as well .   

             This BEGS the Question ;   "WELL HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN ?" .  Two words, It wasn't easy .

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


                         If you store ANY sheet of plywood improperly, it will bend, twist, warp and curl in HIDEOUS regularity* .   The ONLY way to prevent this is to 2 x 3 or 2 x 4 its perimeter thereby adding SUPER-strength to its edges and increasing its ability to ward-off peeling .   The problem with THAT is once you do THAT, you've increased its WEIGHT to HERCULEAN Density , meaning, you gotta be HERCULES in order to move or in any way transport the Panel to wherever the Plan has designated .  I HATE MOVING PLYWOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It KILLS my back, stretches my lats and reeks HAVOC on my neck --------- so adding the extra weight is debilitating at BEST, at WORST Suicidal .   {"My back's out of whack and my neck's a wreck"} .   Still, it must be done, since downsizing it to manageable levels is 2 x 3 or 2 x 4 costly {not to mention time consuming} .   

            In order to move the it, I work myself up into an "I am so weak" FRENZY that then causes me to 'split' and be "beside myself" I then use THAT self to give me the strength of TWO  men  which then is enough to position the Panel to its intended 'home' .  

Earth 1 --- Heaven 0

                              I used that throw-away decking to build {put together} an enclosure .   'Build' is exceedingly generous and 'construct' would be an abomination ,  `put-together` satisfied the image .   I DID try to be precise, I mean I had ALL the levels and plumb-lines and tape measures, all numbering in the tens of THOUSANDS, but in REALITY what exactly was I working with ???????    I have a set of building parameters, the first of which is ------->  DON'T BUY A GODDAMN FUCKING THING .    If Frugality is a Virtue {and it is ,, it SO is ...}  then I am Virtuous BEYOND COMPARE !!! 

            I had one, {count 'em  One [1],,  sheet of quarter inch dirty plywood which I had rescued from a dumpster 2 houses down .  It was a FULL 'sheet' and of UNTOLD Value .   Wrestling it out of the dumpster reached fucking BIBLICAL Proportions and the Effort cost me an entire day --- a day I need to rest, recover, rebuild and refit .   No matter, it was   FREE   and once I tagged it as Arch-Angel the Combat was ON .   Obviously --  I won .


Sea Weed ? I wanted SEE Weed !!

                              Clean-up is as close to "Work" {doing something you DON'T what to do, in a place where you DON'T what to be} as I ever get .   It's simply the nasty-like aesthetics that FORCE me into action .   The Garden SHOULD be "Clear, like Space" and if you don't like that one, the Garden is a "Mirror", that SHOULD be dust free and CRYSTAL Clear .   There is RELIEF in the Emptiness of Clean and Clear , the Mind is settled ---  there is Peace {like the surface of a puddle or pond that is without ripple or wave }  .   

            I  got  it  EZ,   in  ancient  New  England  Seacoast  Times,  the  farmers  decided  to  harvest  >> SEAWEED<<  to aid in the fertilization of their various soils .  I can only Imagine the Labor Intensity of such a Labor Intense Endeavor .   Shit, all I `gotta`* do is work myself up into an Extraction FRENZY and sacrifice my body for the General Well Being of the local 'heavies' .   I do not wish them to see me as a fucking LAZY  "ne'er-do-well" {never do well } .   If only I WEREN'T lazy .          

The 'eat' in Death


                              A couple of frosts have hit, Death sporting its depressing majesty .... .   Tomato plant skeletons, eggplant skeletons, broccoli skeletons ~~~~~~~~  they all must be removed .  I've yet to decide if I should send them through the 'grinder', or just let them dry and use them for tinder .   

            Leaves have accumulated to waist depth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .

            Death is ugly .  Death eats Life .

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Truth ANTI-Social

                               Nixon arroganced*  (from the transitive verb ;  to arrogance)  "If the President does something, it CAN'T be a crime ."   We say , "If   >> I << like 'it', 'it' CAN'T-POSSIBLY  be bad ."   I have argued elsewhere that this twisted and hell-bent Logic is that of the Heart and NOT of the Mind .  The Heart has its own Logic as I have just proffered .  

            Those who voted for trump see him as "their own" as "one of them" and I extend that THAT and supplement  it  as follows :  Not only does trump 'represent' these Pathetic , he IS their Face and their Voice .  "IT" doesn't matter that he's Diabolical or that's he's INCREDIBLY Stupid and CRIMINALLY Insane .   His moronic Imbecility is seen as VIRTUE --- he has NO Morals nor is he in possession of ANY Ethics.  His Ego-Maniacal Ambition REEKS of Megalomania in all ITS hitlerian* Ferocity .

            In the same way that we `forgive` ................blemishes in our Others, so it is with the folks who voted for and remain LOYAL to trump .   His CHRONIC Sub-Human Indecencies manifested as outright Political CRUELTIES  are BLISSFULLY Accepted by those who "see themselves" in trump's whore-ific* Image .   THEY WILL DIE FOR HIM !!!  Such is the Nature of their PERVERTED "marriage" to trump .

Tit for Rat

                             We know "closeness".   If we didn't accept flaws, shortcomings, blemishes, and damages none of us would 'get laid' .   Huey Lewis and his News broadcast, "Ain't no livin' in a Perfect World" which I have bastardized >>>  Aint no livin' with a Perfect Girl .   There was a telling scene in "Seinfeld" --  an older gentleman confesses, "I don't mind her goiter , but she put TWO teaspoons of sugar in her tea, and I just can't get passed that."  

            I basterdized "tit for tat" with > tit for rat < . The rat wants that raw tit at all costs , so he accepts whatever hardship may befall him in that endeavor .   We GLADLY accept failings and shortcomings because of the L-A-R-G-E-R "picture" ,  sex and companionship .   We NEED 'closeness and will do WHATEVER it takes to gain TOTAL Intimacy .   In this, one's Intimate becomes "I" dentification , the other as manifestation of one's Self to the extent that the 'other' DEFINES one's self and worse, one's World View .


Monday, November 6, 2023

"...a fungus among us..."

                         There has been  steadfast BEWILDERMENT among the Political Intelligentsia who have mastered both 'hem' and 'haw' with "Kenny" like meal mouth alacrity .   Let me "bottom line" this immediately  :   Trump IS them, they ARE trump .   There is NO distance, psychologically, between them,, in the EXACT same way there is NO distance between Identical Twins .    Indeed --- "It" is AS IF, trump CLONES have  been   MASS Produced  due  to  some   Freak  of  Nature ,  where this   >Freak<   is some sort of Evolutionary "backslide" manifested  as MUTATION .    Folks "I" Dentify with trump --- "IT" does NOT "matter" that trump is a glory-goon from Nazi Ages Past  AND  a "Born Again" Confederate  whose shortcomings, flaws, and vagrancies*are manifested as Lunatic Fringe Enscopocies* {Essences of Mental Filth and Moral Squalor} .   


"Maui Jim"

                              The role of {technical} Physics is to provide the "What" of Existence and, on its BEST Day, the "How" .   Physicists are loathe to even attempt to answer the "Why" of "All Things" ~~~ which MAY-BE to their credit .   There are, however, a few of us who have a borderline psycho-pathic `attachment` to 'Why' and on my end, I always figure that if I can penetrate the Why I will FEEL better, since the goal of meditation is {raw} Emptiness , and once Emptiness is attained THAT generates a feeling of HARMONY , a Balance within the Essential Vibratory Rate of the Universe .

            Fareed Zacharia asked Bill Maher about the true nature of trump sociopaths ---WHY it is they still cling to him the way parasites cling to their hosts {my words not his}.   Bill had given it extensive thought and was kwik* to respond with "It's close to them".

            I don't want to go about today's business without addressing this "close" .


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Labor of Shove

                              University English Professors speak of "Authenticity".   Steinbeck's accurate depiction of that 'connecting rod' replacement is an example .   {The connecting rod joins the piston head to the crankshaft---it's bolted to the crank by U-bolts .  To get at the crank you gotta drain the oil and remove the oil pan and THAT only gets you to half way .}   As I wrote earlier, Steinbeck writes AS IF he's done that sort of Mechanic's Work, and even if he HASN'T, he has taken the GREAT-PAINS to experience such a Repair-- which is itself EXCEEDINGLY Commendable .   It makes the writing plausible . 

            Of course The Grapes of Wrath is fiction ,,  but it is these technical passages which lend its Truth to the overall thematic structure in such a way that guides the reader to Understanding --- in this instance Steinbeck MAKES you FEEL the rust on your skin, the oil on your face and the flecks of dirt in your mouth .   Here it is where one 'activity' is of  HEROIC  Measure ,  a man COMING TO THE RESCUE of an entire family so they may continue on the road to AVOID perdition  and enter a Promised Land where work is plentiful and Life is once again Sacred .   Beautiful I say,, INFINITELY Beautiful .

             Here it is where the Hero does NOT wear the Robes of the Wealthy and Highly Born, but rather the scorched denim and hole-ly* flannel of poverty-stricken Toilers .   

Lightning Rods

                              In a tortuous passage in his The Grapes of Wrath , Steinbeck describes the removal and replacement of a broken 'connecting rod'.   The description is seriously detailed with precision accuracy as 'something' I did NOT expect from Steinbeck .  It was written as if he 'knew' what it was TRULY like to crawl beneath a filthy, oil-laden engine block, and work in only quasi-light to effect a "life and death" repair .   Sometimes just one broken 'push rod' can stop the operation of an entire farm .  Been there, lived there .   

            Take a journey with Robert Frost and he may take you to an old abandoned house, there, he will point out the fire-place mantle and show you its carvings, hand wrought, by some unknown Master --- shunning Prose,,  Frost employs Poetry, such is the nature of his INTENSITY .  A  Poem about an abandoned home, it's decay and degeneration ~~~~~~~~~ go figure .

            Writers in the realm of the lowly worker ,  a realm they seek to elevate to Art , an Art that can survive said decay and degeneration --- but it's not only THAT .   Here it is where the Worker becomes ARTIST, despite the day-to-day toil and drudgery of "just common shit" .   Here it is where Manual Labor itself is Glorified to Ascendant Realms .  Here it is where Work-gone-Art reaches Olympian Heights .  

Saturday, November 4, 2023


                              What is the 'S' word ?    

            My 'job' is to give Voice to the Tradesmen from whom I have learned, including my Father {although              I  gotta go

Stephen the Humorian*

                              You'd think it would be Humor at which I could succeed, since my Love for Heller, Vonnegut and later on Woody Allen is so severely a characteristic of Inveterate Veneration,,, but Humor denies me my own Misery {I chuckle at that} , and to be a   Templar Knight /  Lowly Priest from Hunan Province , I must, perforce, abandon ANY and ALL aspects of Ego if I am to dwell in the Sanctity of Humility ,  manifested as "To walk with one's head bowed, Humble, like the dust" .   This ROMANTIC "This" is as skewed as I can get, since, for most of my Adult Sword Life, I have recognized my own Samurai ARROGANCE that itself has manifested {manifests} as a "Zatoichin" , "menacing intensity" .  I mean, I WANT to be Humble "like the dust" but somehow I just can't .  


Hamel and His Sisters

 {If this gets below 3 or less readers I'm going to abandon this Effort} .

                             I had only one Friend in high school, David Hamel .  Dave had two older sisters, Jeanie and Bobbie, and it was because of  them I read Catch-22 and Kurt Vonnegut .   I had LUST to write as Heller did, and when I read Vonnegut that Lust exPLODED .  Sadly, nothing came of that Lust ,  I knew I couldn't write, so why bother ???  

             Presently both the blogs and the tweets number in the THOUSANDS ,  I still don't know if they are any good, feedback is scant if not totally absent .   From Vonnegut,    --->   "So it goes."

              I am "Kenny" of  "South-Park' --- a mealy mouthed Mumbler of far less than "Humble" origins .  You want to think "NO FUCKING WAY"  but there was an Episode in which Kenny was "Revealed" as an [get this]  ERUDITE SCHOLAR !   I shyte* you not .   Kenny was a WRITER, specifically, "A Man Of Letters ".    Kenny expressed his Inner Voice with COMMANDING "Presence of Mind", manifested as Social Commental* Profundity and Rhetorical BREVITY.   2 words :   I died during that Episode .



Trade Wins

                             I have wondered about my life, who among us hasn't ?   I have found Wonder in the choice of my parents ,  one a basic illiterate , the other a 'Jack of All Trades' who commanded Crossword Puzzle Wizardry but had the 'working vocabulary' of a 6th grader .   I have his love for words, yet when I got to the BYG* School  I had to learn HOW to write and worse, about WHAT to write .   I chose to be an English Major, solely because I LOVED to Read .   BUT, as Phil bastardly* pointed-out,  "You suck at your Major ".   I had no denial .   I did .

            I was brought-up around the Trades = Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing and later on Welding --- all of which were of little or NO 'use' for the English Major's 'Tasks-at-Hand' .    Junior Year, the Year I was on "Academic Probation",  I had TEN 10 page Papers, BOTH Semesters .  One word ,   obsequious HORROR .   I don't know how I managed, Truth is, I didn't .

            And then "Blogs" 'came about' .  I had to write, but THIS time, "IT" was on MY 'terms'.  Being a Journalist, {Diarist} proved to hold a TREASURY of Resources -- one of which was , `The WILL to Express myself ` --->  in an INTELLIGENT Fashion, a one where my Education HAD-TO-BE the Foundation upon which the blogs could be erected .   Not only THAT but Twitter allowed {a loud} me Homerian Expression {if Homer had Milton as Mentor} .  One word ;  "Win / Win" .

Mobey Dyq*


                              OBVIOUSLY   'doing the impossible'   is self-contradictory ,  I love thinking  it  anyway .   The day before yesterday I DID move rock ,  I had to employ not one but   2   anchors and not one but  2  pullers .   I'm working on the last quadrant of the property's darkest galaxy ---  a ravage of super-boulders LOCKED in a clusterfuck* of  Chaos gone the way of what seemed to be Inexplicable Impossibility .  The Challenge was to unlock the Rock ,  to find the keys for doing Such , and then execute the Promise of Solutionary* Forbearance where 'Solutionary Forbearance is none other than "Where there's a Will, there's a Way" .   

            Why I tag "Where there's a Will, there;s a Way" with `Solutionary Forbearance` is what I wish to address this morning .  

Thursday, November 2, 2023



                             I'm gonna leave this here because I want to move Rock .   There is a half-ton boulder that's in my way .   I will choke it with chain and "row" it to a more suitable position, that, around 15-20 feet distant .  It is to be moved one half inch at a time . 

            Every so often I NEED to 'do' the "Impossible" .    

            Know this Cosmyq* Absolute :   Nothing can be moved unless an Anchor is nearby .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .



"Mistra Know-it-all"

                              Joe lacks Vision .   I speak of a Vision of the Future .   A Vision that sees the End Goals as readily accessible and robustly evident .   I speak of Conditioned Reflexivity* --- the Outcomes of Fore Thought, Imagination and, [oddly] the Ways and Means of OBVIOUS Immediacy, that which "lies about" --- the scattered remains of Historical Antiques --- the Splendid and sometimes Beatific Offerings of the Philosophical Magi --- and at the Street and Gutter Level ,, Those that "Know the Oak from the Acorn" .

            Joe is blind and NOT the Stevie Wonder   Kind Of Blind   that leads to "Inner Visions" .   Joe NEEDS to be led into the "Emerald Beyond", where Furturism* is beheld and embraced with RAUCOUS Sensuality .   

            I speak of an ECUMENICAL Council -- a Gathering of Religious Leaders of ALL Denominations [Let there not be ONE left standing in isolation or neglect] .   Joe needs to hold these Priests ACCOUNTABLE for Civilizational Malfeasance in that their CRY for Peace has NOT been Heard in THUNDEROUS Proclamation nor even in incipient whisper .   Shame upon the lot of them .


Asleep at the Deal

                              Folks have complained about Joe's age .  I among among them .   I know myself, my limits .   Joe is OLDER than I .   I know what weights [waits] I can handle , I know when to start and when to stop ---  blah-blah-blah .   

            When johnson got the Gavel, Joe should have commanded he visit the Oval Office .   There, alongside Shoe-Maker and mitch the Bitch, Joe should have tied johnson to the "Whipping Post" and lashed him with "THIS-is-how-IT's-gonna-be" .   Power erUPTS and johnson should have been made to FEEL that {Righteous} Eruption .    It is said, "the lash breaks the Will" --- and so it SHOULD-HAVE-BEEN .  ANY thought of Detrimental [ deleterious Mentalation*] Action by johnson should have been extinguished by the Lash, one flame at a time, until johnson's tiny monkey brain lie in ashes NEVER to be re-ignited .  

            Because of Joe's Age he can NOT "summon" Rage .   Worse, Joe knows no Fury .   He whispers of Societal Outrage , the words almost snore-i-ful* {full of snoring} .   

             Make no mistake, Joe is a Good Man ---  but right now        Good aint enough .  


The King and Aye

                         I'm working on "The Pledge of Allegiance" .   Here's the 1st line :  `I pledge allegiance to the Lie of the United States and to the Dysfunction for which it stands` .   I am nothing if not caustically sardonic {is there any other kind ?} , ragefully* bitter,, and furiously exasperated .   

            Elsewhere I have claimed that trump IS the RULER of America, in all his gaud* and clamor .   Now we have mike johnson as his Commanding General , a one who is trump's puppet, made of would {as in 'He would do anything' to advance trumpism},, yet another sub-human, whose heart, if it can be tagged as such, has risen from the Depths of Hell wherein Suffering, Pain and AGONY is to be wrought upon INNOCENTS , the mild and meek mannered who desire only the wealth of Health and the Food of Good .

            With the Mil out of reach for the time being, johnson and his have gained Control over the Treasury .   Vital Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Palestinian Relief is at the beck and mercy of only a FEW democracy idolaters , whose only Ambition is the Destruction of America's Constitutional Republic in such a way that GUARANTEES the `making` of  Psychotic Criminal Despotism .   


Rebel WITH A Cause


                        During 1-6, when the Stars and Bars was paraded inside the Capitol, it was demonstration of both Total Victory and utter Failure .   The "South" had indeed "done it" by overrunning a scantily clad quasi "Force" {itself a joke} and plundering the Building with stark and contemptuous Ravage .   Here now the "True Colors" of trumpist ideology, those of Riot, Revenge,  Criminalization* and sanctimonious Outrage .   I view its Essence as equal to that of 9-11 .   One man Hell Bent {Bent to Hell} seeking to inflict Vengeance upon a System of Democracy that imposes ITS Will [in the form of Social Mores and Morals] upon Those who want to abide in the Solemnity of Self Sovereignty .   Here now trump as a Rebel WITH a Cause , to release his Hatred and inflict Suffering upon Guardians of the Status Quo that he had presumed had NO Respect for his own Personal Desires which manifested as Maniacal Ambition .

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

"Montana Wildhack"

                                                                             Anti Log

                I don't know in which Direction I must continue so   ~~~~~~~ I must leave this here .

Further Reading :

Catch-22          Heller

Slaughter House Five          Vonnegut

The Politics of Experience          Laing

The Hero With A Thousand Faces          Campbell

"If the War goes on..."          Hesse

The Art of War          Sun Tzu

Man's Fate          Malraux

Things Fall Apart          Achebe

Rock Steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

He Art

                              My Heartsickness and its subsequent Sorrow cannot bear even one iota of Humor .   I searched for Relief and found Dr. Joseph Campbell's Sorrow-laden Elegy-to-Ego {my words not his} .   In his Hero With A Thousand Faces he offers something of a Definition of the Hero's Psyche :   {In order to survive} The Hero must 'harden his Heart'  that it may find Toleration of the Universe's must Destructive and Hideous Cruelties, and once this Tolerance is solidified within the Hero's Understanding of Human Frailty, he is to continue Existence with this new-found, newly forged Determination".  

Joan Rivers of Tears

                              Awakening to the Fire Bombing of Dresden was NOT an invitation to deliver a {socio-pathic} Commentary on the Horrors and Atrocities of Human Failing .     I had every Intention just to don my working gear, get outdoors, and continue an `overhang` project I began a few days ago .    I didn't think I could bear the nightmare condition that deadens me to Reality and induces coma-like apathy .   I sat in Chairy-Chair with the do-called "Leaden" Heart --- not just the Heart of Darkness but the Heart from Hell .     

            Before Slaughter House Five there was Catch-22 .   Heller used Humor to somewhat soften the Absurdity of Wartime Existence but with Slaughter House Five Vonnegut used Dark Humor, although I consider it the BLACKEST of Dark Humor to contextualize the pulverization and incineration of every fucking molecule of Dresden Architecture and every-single Human Being whose Karma it was to Burn In Hell {Literally} .       

            The Late / Great Zen Master Joan Rivers scolded,  "Humor is how you Deal."         


                                                                                 Pro Log

                              The Bombing of the Gazan Refugee "bivouac" has rendered our Collective Conscious stunned and sickened .   I have used the Atom Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as fundamental element of the Depravity exhibited by so-called CIVILIZED Humans ---this morning I awoke to the Fire-Bombing of Dresden .   Here too Man's Ultimate Atrocity almost equals Hitlers attempt at Jew Extinction, the RAW POWER of HATRED and the HATRED-OF-WAR .    Israel's ongoing Efforts to Extinguish and then Extinct Hamas was manifested in this seeming Human Atrocity .   Here it is where Victory must be seen as Tactical "At all costs" --- here now,,  America as Paradigm .