With regard to Paternalism our Society HIGHLY Values "Following in your Father's footsteps" i.e., to 'be' 'just like Dad' . Look at George Washington and his Legacy we inherited . Washington is the Political Paradigm that shackles Political Altruism to Paternal Authority . Presidents are lauded if they "Follow in Washington's footsteps " .
It is known that Newton was beneath an apple tree when an apple fell on his head and awakened him to "Gravity" . We say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree". We do not admit, "Gravity keeps the apple close ". We apply this adage to paternal inheritance, look as trump's sons and daughter .... . To rid one's self of negative Paternal characteristics means do DEFY the Father's Gravity . This Defiance is NEEDED if the offspring are to develop in THEIR OWN WAY , free from problematical world views and Paternal Emotional Entanglements . Indeed, the Path to Manhood is FRAUGHT with Developmental Issues whose origin CLEARLY resides in the Psychological Structure of the Father .