Wednesday, November 1, 2023


                                                                                 Pro Log

                              The Bombing of the Gazan Refugee "bivouac" has rendered our Collective Conscious stunned and sickened .   I have used the Atom Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as fundamental element of the Depravity exhibited by so-called CIVILIZED Humans ---this morning I awoke to the Fire-Bombing of Dresden .   Here too Man's Ultimate Atrocity almost equals Hitlers attempt at Jew Extinction, the RAW POWER of HATRED and the HATRED-OF-WAR .    Israel's ongoing Efforts to Extinguish and then Extinct Hamas was manifested in this seeming Human Atrocity .   Here it is where Victory must be seen as Tactical "At all costs" --- here now,,  America as Paradigm .   

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