Thursday, November 2, 2023

"Mistra Know-it-all"

                              Joe lacks Vision .   I speak of a Vision of the Future .   A Vision that sees the End Goals as readily accessible and robustly evident .   I speak of Conditioned Reflexivity* --- the Outcomes of Fore Thought, Imagination and, [oddly] the Ways and Means of OBVIOUS Immediacy, that which "lies about" --- the scattered remains of Historical Antiques --- the Splendid and sometimes Beatific Offerings of the Philosophical Magi --- and at the Street and Gutter Level ,, Those that "Know the Oak from the Acorn" .

            Joe is blind and NOT the Stevie Wonder   Kind Of Blind   that leads to "Inner Visions" .   Joe NEEDS to be led into the "Emerald Beyond", where Furturism* is beheld and embraced with RAUCOUS Sensuality .   

            I speak of an ECUMENICAL Council -- a Gathering of Religious Leaders of ALL Denominations [Let there not be ONE left standing in isolation or neglect] .   Joe needs to hold these Priests ACCOUNTABLE for Civilizational Malfeasance in that their CRY for Peace has NOT been Heard in THUNDEROUS Proclamation nor even in incipient whisper .   Shame upon the lot of them .


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