Monday, November 27, 2023

The University of Gaza

                              It's unlikely that nyet*-and-yahoo* will have an Abe Lincoln Congruity* and Free the Gazans and West Bankers   and then provide them  TRUE "Homes" .     Trump and nyet-and-yahoo are "cut from the same cloth" meaning  they  share  what I will tag, a fabric of  {self-perceived invincible} Evil .    (((To use 'Evil' here is also to Romanticize the Condition of Human Atrocity,,  but to use 'political negativity' is to diminish their Atrocities)))  .    I wonder if the Israeli Body Politic is CAPABLE of releasing the Gazans and West Bankers unto themselves --- to establish a Gazan Homeland as well as a West Bank Nationhood Niche .   I doubt it .


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