Sunday, November 26, 2023

Pipe schemes


                              The question regarding trump's "Influence", [in all its forms], has not been abandoned with 'throw-your-hands-up' exasperation .   Big and SUPER-Brains still 'hold' the question as a Zen Kong-an [in Japanese koan] because of the POWER trump has over {and under} his acolytes and soldiers .   I have made efforts to REDuce his `influence` to that of the "Pied Piper" whom you may recall 'gathered' the hamlet's children and led them to some 'blissful beyond' .   Here now the association to "Snake Charmer" -the one with the 'magic' pipe- is a strong consideration .   OBVIOUSLY , trump has no pipe, and yet his "following" is still ---> mesmerized <--- .   What is the true nature of this mesmerized-ation* .

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