Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The 3 States = Solid, Liquid, Gas

                              I have echoed the use of 'Gazans' broadcasters have assigned to coastal Palestinians .  I have refrained from tagging those that reside on the West Bank with that same, they have altogether DIFFERENT Issues .   Now we have Gazans, West Bankers and the catch-all Palestinians with which to contend .  I don't like it, not one bit .   Look at what was done with the 'Slovaks*' from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia .   Folks that once resided in quasi-socio-political harmony DEMANDED their "Own" .  That Very Same MAY apply to Gazans and West Bankers creating MORE Distortion to the Cacophony of Misery, Pain and Suffering already in Stone Age existence .   If the "Two State Solution" is furtively Distant, how then is a  >>>THREE<<<  State Solution to find Plausibility ANYWHERE ??????? 

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