Monday, November 6, 2023

"Maui Jim"

                              The role of {technical} Physics is to provide the "What" of Existence and, on its BEST Day, the "How" .   Physicists are loathe to even attempt to answer the "Why" of "All Things" ~~~ which MAY-BE to their credit .   There are, however, a few of us who have a borderline psycho-pathic `attachment` to 'Why' and on my end, I always figure that if I can penetrate the Why I will FEEL better, since the goal of meditation is {raw} Emptiness , and once Emptiness is attained THAT generates a feeling of HARMONY , a Balance within the Essential Vibratory Rate of the Universe .

            Fareed Zacharia asked Bill Maher about the true nature of trump sociopaths ---WHY it is they still cling to him the way parasites cling to their hosts {my words not his}.   Bill had given it extensive thought and was kwik* to respond with "It's close to them".

            I don't want to go about today's business without addressing this "close" .


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