Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Truth ANTI-Social

                               Nixon arroganced*  (from the transitive verb ;  to arrogance)  "If the President does something, it CAN'T be a crime ."   We say , "If   >> I << like 'it', 'it' CAN'T-POSSIBLY  be bad ."   I have argued elsewhere that this twisted and hell-bent Logic is that of the Heart and NOT of the Mind .  The Heart has its own Logic as I have just proffered .  

            Those who voted for trump see him as "their own" as "one of them" and I extend that THAT and supplement  it  as follows :  Not only does trump 'represent' these Pathetic , he IS their Face and their Voice .  "IT" doesn't matter that he's Diabolical or that's he's INCREDIBLY Stupid and CRIMINALLY Insane .   His moronic Imbecility is seen as VIRTUE --- he has NO Morals nor is he in possession of ANY Ethics.  His Ego-Maniacal Ambition REEKS of Megalomania in all ITS hitlerian* Ferocity .

            In the same way that we `forgive` ................blemishes in our Others, so it is with the folks who voted for and remain LOYAL to trump .   His CHRONIC Sub-Human Indecencies manifested as outright Political CRUELTIES  are BLISSFULLY Accepted by those who "see themselves" in trump's whore-ific* Image .   THEY WILL DIE FOR HIM !!!  Such is the Nature of their PERVERTED "marriage" to trump .

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