Monday, November 6, 2023

"...a fungus among us..."

                         There has been  steadfast BEWILDERMENT among the Political Intelligentsia who have mastered both 'hem' and 'haw' with "Kenny" like meal mouth alacrity .   Let me "bottom line" this immediately  :   Trump IS them, they ARE trump .   There is NO distance, psychologically, between them,, in the EXACT same way there is NO distance between Identical Twins .    Indeed --- "It" is AS IF, trump CLONES have  been   MASS Produced  due  to  some   Freak  of  Nature ,  where this   >Freak<   is some sort of Evolutionary "backslide" manifested  as MUTATION .    Folks "I" Dentify with trump --- "IT" does NOT "matter" that trump is a glory-goon from Nazi Ages Past  AND  a "Born Again" Confederate  whose shortcomings, flaws, and vagrancies*are manifested as Lunatic Fringe Enscopocies* {Essences of Mental Filth and Moral Squalor} .   


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