Monday, November 27, 2023

Children of the Porn

                             I get Lost and NOT the "lost" of Winnie the Pooh and his Friends who have just SOOOO much Fun they get Lost---no and FUCK NO --- this is the Lost of Nightmare Battle with foes of SUPERIOR Power who seek my {inevitable} Destruction, against whom I struggle without weapon .   I awaken in a sweat, exhausted .  I wonder,    How can this be ?????

            To describe trump's 'Influence' as Pied Piper Mystery is to offer a ROMANTIC depiction of Human wrought CATASTROPHE .   I apologize .   I sought only to REDuce trump's POWER to elemental levels, the elementary ConsciousNess of Children .  OBVIOUSLY, trump is NO "Pied Piper"- a cartoon character whose Magical Power was nothing short of SAVAGE  Brutality-- the non-violent FORCED migration of INNOCENTS .  It is the Pied Piper's POWER that is the Parallel to that of trump's and Trumpism .  THAT'S my Point .   Recall that Indiana Jone's Myth where the Children of a Village were "led" into slave-caves to harvest ore .   It was a 'take' and 'retake' of `The Myth of The Pied Pied Piper  only "cinema-tized*" .   

             When I use 'elementary ConsciousNess of Children' I mean this ;  not only are the Children "led astray" by somewhat demonic forces , it is important to see that the Myth's LESSON is directed toward ADULTS .  It was the Mayor of the Village and the Villagers themselves who FAILED to uphold "their end of the bargain".          "Kiddie Lit" for Adults ---what's not to Love ?


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