Friday, November 17, 2023

Vise Vice

                              OBVIOUSLY the Removal of the >>>Threat Of Mass Extinction<<< SHOULD-BE* the First and FOREMOST 'Action' that the Planetary Ruling Mind MUST ---> Impose upon the ConsciousNess* of Northern and Middle Africa .   Here it is where "It's easier SAID than DONE" 'enters' with a Shakespearean 'flourish' that is piggy backed with "This guitar goes to ELEVEN !!!!!!!!!!!" .

            I gotta* laff* at the "Two State Solution" since a "State" is required by Gazans and another by the West Bankers .   THAT would position Israel in a VISE that would GUARANTEE   UN and Non-Conditional >>> MASS HYSTERIA<<< .    Even IF a Land Mass of Territorial Jurisprudence was to be 'assigned' the THREAT of Vise Closure is STILL immanent [according to Israeli Vision] .

            If the Gazans and the West Bankers are NOT to be "Given" Land      What then ?



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