Saturday, November 18, 2023

Gaz Zilla

                              You look at the rubble and pulverized remains of concrete blocks in Gaza and you might think , "Blasted back into the Stone Age" .   I mean, I suppose .   But if you continue the thought it may lead you to the realization that being blasted back into the Stone Age is only half way , because what comes next ?  Well, the Future comes next ;   so in MY use of 'sense', Gazans have been blasted into the Future since the Past has been pulverized and {therefore} obliterated .  

            The view of  disemboweled structures  leaves me agape with horrocious {horrorfied} bewilderment .   They used concrete blocks for walls, but I failed to see the "tie-ins" that kept the entire wall in place .   It's ALMOST Stone Age Mechanics and unsafe at ANY height .  But hey, that's just me .

            We seen the dystopic view of SUPER-Sky Scrapers within which the multitudes exist ;  each Sky-Scraper as City unto itself ;  the OPPOSITE of Paradise .   Is  there  an  escape from this Gazan Eventuality ?   Unlikely ........... .

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