Friday, November 10, 2023

"Take a puff, it's SPRING-TIME !"

                              My Best recall my suggestion to OPEN-UP Jerusalem .  Many several generations were born and expired until that Suggestion was heeded .   The Ecumenical Council WAS convened, in Sri Lanka of all places , and despite scant attendance initially, the Peoples of the World were gladdened by such rare Opportunity and the `hold-outs` eventually succumbed to unrelenting GLOBAL Pressure .  Allow me this AA trite :  "Folks were sick and tired of being sick and tired."  And since the Bar of Expectations had been lowered to Marianas Trench depth, Success was most assuredly Guaranteed .   All they had to do was simply Agree, that "War is Hell" and that Hell was a place to be AVOIDED at Any and ALL Costs .  

            You'd think that accomplishing this most Public 'End' would be EASY --- oddly, it was not .



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