Friday, November 17, 2023

From See to "Shining Sea"

                              "The Boat People of Gaza" .    We need Science Fiction to Imagine the Gazan "Boat People".   You gotta figure that GIANT Boat Cities must be constructed if Gazans are to Exist near the Gazan Coast .   In no time at all there would be MUTINY ,  where is there Agriculture, where is there Industry, where is there Work ???   Where is there LIFE ?????   

            You want "Obvious" ?   It would take TRILLIONS to build the Arks necessary to house MILLIONS .   Certainly THAT won't happen in our lifetime .

             So now we are "Back on dry land" .   It's safe to conclude that "Stratos" won't be built either, since we are a few years away from MASSIVE Anti-Grav  Inertia .  

              To misquote Paul Revere ---       "None if by Land, None if by Sea" .                          

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