Friday, November 17, 2023

Midnight at the O-ache-sis

                              Nit-wits, low-brows and knuckle draggers* ,, who masquerade as Intellectual Elite,, have suggested that "Western" Nations begin accepting Gazan and West Banker refugees with 20,000 each for every Western Country , that  THAT  may reduce the VISE-Congestion in both Gaza and the West Bank .  That THAT would be like adding even MORE Shit to an open cesspool that is ALREADY overflowing into the Planet's Fresh Water Drinking Supply .   

            There is this word "diaspora", originally it meant the resettlement of  "Babylonian Jews",, but this def. was further s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to mean the resettlement of {just} general folks who grew unhappy with their previous Life Conditions .   Understand diaspora by acknowledging the migration of Middle and South Americans who seek refuge in the Un-Tied States .   

            A "Palestinian Diaspora" has already been summarily REJECTED by [even] the Nations that border Israel , Nations COULD "give-away" Land that has been considered un-arable and therefore inhospitable .   I shrug at that one --- when hard-pressed Humans `pancake`* {to make from scratch} a way to Sustenance Salvation .   "Unlikely" will suffice here .



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