Monday, November 27, 2023

Iz Ray ILL and Miss Treatment

                              It SHOULDN'T  be difficult to accept this analogy ;  Slaves were to America as Gazans and West Bankers are to Israel .  If there IS a 'difficulty' it is to see Gazans and West Bankers as PRISONERS OF WAR and NOT "Slaves" [in the American sense of Slaves] .   I have tired to depict Present  Day  AmeriKKKa*  as  something  of  an  Apartheid  Nation  but  even  I  feel  it  is  a                 s-t--r---e----t------ch.   .  The same must be applied to Israel---  I mean it's close EVER so Close .

            You can see the Problem .   There are those in Israel who consider Palestinians nothing MORE than Prisoners of War, so ANY mis-Treatment* of them is [somehow] Justified since "To the Victor go the spoils" .    I aint buyin' it .



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