Friday, November 17, 2023

Ravaging Rage ---> Ravrage*


                              I can't get into my `Vault of Resources`~~~  I don't know why I locked it in the first place .   

            Commentaries on "History In The Making" are of little or NO value if Insight, in many of its forms, is lacking .   Here it is where the Daily News, despite its delivery of Ongoing Human Atrocities, has become a 'Day-Mare' from which awakening is Impossible ~~~ a Horror-laden phantasmagoria of Savage, Unrelenting Barbarism,  the one in which Human Beings are treated as insignificant `vile`*.

            It isn't as if there are NO Solutions to geo-political Problems, {and here 'problems' is exceeding sophomoric since the so-called Problems have reached Existential [and now] Apocalyptic Instinctuality*, the one where the Instinct of Self-Preservation DOMINATES both Psyche and WILL and therefore blinds even the Imagination of Vision, so much so that a Future --- ANY Future ---  is barely seen as a something that is 'worth-while' } .   There ARE Solutions ---  hand makeable* with the `materials` nearby IFF  Hatred, Rage,, Fury and BlindNess* can be brought under control by Common Sense, Sound Reasoning and the Logic of the MIND and NOT the Heart .   And yet ................................  and yet ........................... . 


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