Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Myth Takes

                               Some time ago I delivered {unto you} a theory {theory is being generous} that Capitalism had 'become' a Religion, wherein Profit was worshiped .   Along THAT 'avenue' there were various billboards that depicted trump as "Savior" ["I alone can fix this"]..   To the Ignorant and mis-informed, trump registered as "ONE OF US" ---  somehow an elitist street urchin managed to convey Red Neck and Neo Nazi Extremism as FUNDAMENTAL [day-to-day] Socio-Political CLIMATE .   Here, I use Climate to highlight the >>>NaturalNess*<<< of said Extremism .   Here it is where Ignorance of FACTS and the complete and utter DISREGARD for Truth is the FOUNDATION of [their] Reality .   Here it is where {Socio-Political] FUNDAMENTALISM has the same POWER as [Religious] FAITH .   ALL of us KNOW the Power of FAITH .   The Faithful [Full of Faith] CANNOT be made to swerve from the Path of RighteousNess* and Conviction .   To go against DOGMA is to commit EGREGIOUS Sin .   Not only THAT, but the individual who questions Faith, also questions his or hers INMOST Belief in the RighteousNess of >>> Self<<< ,, for  who  would want to believe that their Ego-Self is {AT BEST} flawed ?   Faith-Belief in Extremist Fundamentalism is Belief in {the Ego} Self .

            Uhhh, Jerusalem ?   We have a problem ... .

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