Wednesday, November 8, 2023


                         If you store ANY sheet of plywood improperly, it will bend, twist, warp and curl in HIDEOUS regularity* .   The ONLY way to prevent this is to 2 x 3 or 2 x 4 its perimeter thereby adding SUPER-strength to its edges and increasing its ability to ward-off peeling .   The problem with THAT is once you do THAT, you've increased its WEIGHT to HERCULEAN Density , meaning, you gotta be HERCULES in order to move or in any way transport the Panel to wherever the Plan has designated .  I HATE MOVING PLYWOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It KILLS my back, stretches my lats and reeks HAVOC on my neck --------- so adding the extra weight is debilitating at BEST, at WORST Suicidal .   {"My back's out of whack and my neck's a wreck"} .   Still, it must be done, since downsizing it to manageable levels is 2 x 3 or 2 x 4 costly {not to mention time consuming} .   

            In order to move the it, I work myself up into an "I am so weak" FRENZY that then causes me to 'split' and be "beside myself" I then use THAT self to give me the strength of TWO  men  which then is enough to position the Panel to its intended 'home' .  

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