Saturday, November 4, 2023

Hamel and His Sisters

 {If this gets below 3 or less readers I'm going to abandon this Effort} .

                             I had only one Friend in high school, David Hamel .  Dave had two older sisters, Jeanie and Bobbie, and it was because of  them I read Catch-22 and Kurt Vonnegut .   I had LUST to write as Heller did, and when I read Vonnegut that Lust exPLODED .  Sadly, nothing came of that Lust ,  I knew I couldn't write, so why bother ???  

             Presently both the blogs and the tweets number in the THOUSANDS ,  I still don't know if they are any good, feedback is scant if not totally absent .   From Vonnegut,    --->   "So it goes."

              I am "Kenny" of  "South-Park' --- a mealy mouthed Mumbler of far less than "Humble" origins .  You want to think "NO FUCKING WAY"  but there was an Episode in which Kenny was "Revealed" as an [get this]  ERUDITE SCHOLAR !   I shyte* you not .   Kenny was a WRITER, specifically, "A Man Of Letters ".    Kenny expressed his Inner Voice with COMMANDING "Presence of Mind", manifested as Social Commental* Profundity and Rhetorical BREVITY.   2 words :   I died during that Episode .



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